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Neopets circle background!!

Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:53 pm

It's on sale now in the NC mall in the elite boutique shop. Not sure if everyone else sees it cuz I cant see it in my side account. Maybe you have to spend over a certain amount before the shop will show up.

Anyway, I MISSED the old circle background we had :'( I cant belive I have to pay to get it back though... Many of you I'm sure share the same plight. Maybe they can put the old poses back on sale in the mall. I know I'd pay to buy my pets back the way they were....

Re: Neopets circle background!!

Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:57 pm

{Pokes this thread} Daze posted about the Elite shop earlier today. :)

Re: Neopets circle background!!

Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:17 pm

oh my bad. Didnt know there's a thread about it already, I guess I was too excited when I saw it :P Feel free to lock this.
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