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Problems with Drain Life ability?

Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:05 pm

Hello, :) I was wondering if someone could help me with a battledome problem.

I'm pretty new to using the battledome but I read that the "Drain Life" ability may help
me a lot during fights. I also read that in order to get that ability my pet must be at least level 21.
Right now my pet is level 22 and I bought a few bottled dark faeries and finally gained the Drain Life
ability. When I reached the battledome (trying to win the punching bag bob trophy) a dark faerie
sent me on a faerie quest but I wasn't allowed to give her an item because i'm in battle..
Well, when I tried to finish the fight, I was hoping to use the Drain Life ability but it doesn't show
up on the drop down menu.

Am I missing something? How do I use this ability?

Thanks for reading)

Re: Problems with Drain Life ability?

Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:22 pm

I'm assuming that your Drain Life ability wasn't activated before you went in to the Battledome. If there are certain abilities you want to be able to use during battles, you have to activate them (and you can only have 8 activated at once).

To activate abilities:

1. Go to your Quick-Ref page
2. For the pet you're battling with, click the little white triangle next to their picture and select "View Abilities".
3. This will take you to a page showing all of the abilities your pet has. To activate one, simply click on it. Active abilities will be animated while inactive abilities will be still and faded in color.

I hope that helps!

Re: Problems with Drain Life ability?

Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:38 am

What May pretty much said up there. Drain Life is a great ability. Also consider Burrow for defensive purposes.

Re: Problems with Drain Life ability?

Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:38 am

The abilities you should definitely have are:
Drain Life

Other people will recommend other abilities, but these should be your core abilities.

Re: Problems with Drain Life ability?

Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:58 pm

Thanks to everyone who replied :) I really appreciate your help

I had no idea you had to activate the ability. I would have been wondering what happened to it for days. lol..

Well, I guess I will continue training and try to work my way up into gaining
the core abilities mentioned.

I will probably be visiting this forum again soon :oops: battledome is addicting
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