Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:37 am
Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:54 pm
Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:23 pm
arogance1 wrote:it would make people a target for scammers though. They would look for expensive weapons and go for their accounts
Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:34 am
Kenjiro wrote:arogance1 wrote:it would make people a target for scammers though. They would look for expensive weapons and go for their accounts
It's easier to go through the 'How much np do you have' thread.. And I doubt that people who can afford expensive items (or who are simply rich) will fall for scammers.
I think one of the main reasons weapons aren't wearable, is because you give away information about your weapons. It might be just one weapon, but with only 8 slots that's still much. Most battledomers are serious players and would not want to show what they have. The other reason is that making equippable items wearable seems quite complicated. Having a dual option of equipping/showing is indeed a lot of work, most likely too much work for TNT to do it.
You can also get wearable items that look like weapons (though mostly through the NC mall).
Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:43 am
Siouxper wrote:Kenjiro present an excellent point about showing weapons. A huge part of 2-Player battling (in Quickfight as well as organized events such as the Celestial Dawn Gender War or guild wars) is the "surprise" of not knowing the BD set of your opponent. If I were to have knowledge of someone else's BD set before the battle, I would equip weapons to defeat their set (for example: If they had a Sword of Skardsen equipped, I'd equip a Ring of the Lost or Ghostkershield. This would be an unfair advantage over my opponent.) Many BD competitions (such as the ones mentioned earlier in my post) have rules AGAINST revealing the weapon(s) of an opponent so that we cannot anticipate the icon types and amounts that they will be dealing during the battle. Having weapons being wearables would defeat the purpose of these regulations as well as the element of surprise during a battle.
Siouxper wrote:If TNT were to make weapons wearable, they'd have literally THOUSANDS of weapons to redraw and then make wearable for each species and, in some instances, color. This would be a huge undertaking and, knowing TNT, draw them away from current issues (customer service, scratchcards, CGs on the boards, etc.) TNT needs to fix their current problems before starting new things. Quality over quantity.
Another issue with creating weapons as wearables would be inflation. All of a sudden, non-battlers would start buying weapons to put on their pet. This would cause a greater demand, and not necessarily a greater supply. The result would be higher prices for these items, worsening the inflation problem. Inflation on many weapons is already terrible enough (Ghostkersword, Faerie Slingshot and Thyoras Tear are a few that have inflated quite a bit over the past year.)
Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:07 am