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Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:16 am

*Good times, bad times,
You know I had my share*

Well, Led Zeppelin had good times and bad times... Tell us about yours on Neopets!

The best pie chart ever.

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:49 am

good times are.... :D
when i find random stuff like codestones or paintbrushes
bad times are... :(
wen i go to the snowager, i never get anything...i only get blasted with icicles or somthing >.<
(this isnt much of an answer i know, im new)

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:24 pm

These aren't all recent, but they're good things that have happened to me lately

:) The Robot zapper thing plot prize is more than I could ever ask for! I've been zapping my lab pet for 4 years hoping to get robot, and no luck! And since it's only possible for one zapper per player, robots' uniquness won't go down!
:( I can't decide if I should turn my pet robot now, keep labbing until I get the species I want, or to keep labbing to get the stats I want.
:) Bought a Ylanas Blaster, 12.63 icons, for 705k!
:( Can't decide if I should get a second, and the prices are rising fast.
:) Got Megasuperb in Daily Dare!

This one isn't "mine" but...
:) Got my mom into Neo about 3 weeks ago, she caught the tail end of the plot and DD and has earned over 100k np due to plot prizes and the earnings from DD (not prizes, just np for playing the games). She finished DD in the 4th tier, beating Abigail eventually in everything. She also now loves Faerie Bubbles lol :P

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:21 pm

:) Got Snow Beast, The Drenched and Qasalan Mummy as challengers today
:( The priority was to get Commander Garoo, was just refreshing those as side projects. Its typical, I find 3 other relatively rare challengers that I don't need, but not the one I do need O_o

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:02 am

These aren't very recent but generally good things that have happened to me -

:) Getting my 300th avatar (ICM)
:) Finishing DoN after losing to the mummy around 250 times
:) Getting 3 avatars in 1 day, 2 of them being randoms to bring my total up to 304
:) Getting the Avatar Collector avatar, my goal on neopets
:( The guild I loved is gone
:( Missing out on Daily Dare and the Sloth Plot

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:23 am

:) Just got the snowmuncher avatar

:( Don't enjoy playing my favourite games anymore due to the new setup that TNT have imposed on us.

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Sat Apr 05, 2008 3:50 pm

Good Times

.Winning the Neopian Lottery
.Winning the Poetry Contest
.Getting the Turtum avatar on the old version of Ultimate Bullseye
.Acheiving 300+ avatars
.Completing Defenders of Neopia
.Feeding 75 Kadoatie (hated doing that)
.Meeting good friends

Bad Times

.Royal Draik zapped by Boochi
.Getting robbed of gold Nimmos Pond, gold EFMC, gold Hannah and the Ice Caves, gold Fetch!, bronze Korbats Lab trophies due to glitches
.Frozen for a weird reason
.Not winning a thing on the Cyodrake's Gaze plot

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:44 am

Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Quadrapus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Finally :) I think I'm finally closing in on the last of the petpet avatars. It sure takes a while when you only have one pet without a petpetpet and therefor available for frequent petpet switching. Now to go attach a Mazzew, and I think I'll be all done when that one finishes!

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:47 pm

:D Lab turned pet into Snow Eyrie today, went to pet page to have a look n got:

Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Wocky - Snow Day' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

When did that one come out?

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:53 pm

Phlameseeker wrote:When did that one come out?

About two and a half years ago :P

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:17 am

I hadn't won a codestone from Tombola since probably at least before Christmas, but I won one on Saturday. Since then, I've won two more -- one yesterday and one today! It makes me wonder if it actually was a glitch and not just my terrible luck, and perhaps TNT rebalanced the game to increase the number of codestones to fight inflation.

Either way, I'm just glad to finally see some.

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:27 pm

Won a codestone off of the tomb this morning. :)

Just beat The Archmagus of Roo on NQI: InSaNe! :D Almost there...

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Sat Apr 12, 2008 9:14 pm

Treasure of the Black Pawkeet:
PetNameHere pulls out a ticket... and... You Won 20,000 Neopoints!!!!!! :D

Lost a PetPet to the lab ray yesterday :(

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:43 pm

I finally got the Adam avvie...

but NONE of my stocks have gone over 25np a share for a very long time, at least 2 months.

Re: Neopets - Good Times, Bad Times

Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:41 am

Good: finally got packrat, and got the kiss the mortog avvy without wasting too many np. :)

Bad: My pet got a disease from the WOE, healed her, and then she got a disease from the expellibox. :(
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