For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:48 pm
Just a heads up, looks like something went wrong and they did whatever reset it is they do:
Altador plot collection is back to the "original" prize (5k plus the book, etc, which naturally don't actually show up)
Wheel of Monotony and Wheel of Knowledge are back to being on the exact 24-hour wait betweens spins (as compared to once a day)
There may be other things that get goofy when this happens, but those are the two that I've run across this morning.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:12 pm
In the Plot Chamber I got a fire mote but no book and money. The biggest glitches seem to be the avatar system and neoboards are way wonky. People under about 6 months seem unaffected, but they can not use the fonts unless they have a neopen from the NC mall.
All board preferences are from weeks to months ago settings. They must have had a severe server crash and had to restore the site from ancient backups.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:15 pm
I guess the Altador plot daily being broken is only affecting some people.
I wondered why none of my neofriends avatars were anything besides default - I guess that explains that.
Just FYI, to anyone considering panicking: it does not appear that this has cause any problems with the bank, SDB, shop, inventory, etc.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:17 pm
Altador thing is same for me - just a yellow lupe plushie. Dunno bout the wheels though.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:34 pm
lol, My whole neoboards settings went back to how they were during the Altador Cup... I can't seem to get it to let me change my avatar though. It keeps telling me that the ones I'm picking I don't have yet... But I've had them for more than a year, so go fig. However, my Altador plot prize acted perfectly normal for me...
Edit: Wow, it won't even let me change the neohtml/signature part of it. No error message, it just won't change. Hope they get this worked out.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:11 pm
They could be implementing a new system for the coding, or could be totally scrapping the avatars since it's been on the backburners for way too long.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:16 pm
I keep getting the "maybe you should wait a while before visiting again" message at Coltzan's shrine, even though it's been ~13 hours since I last visited (and usually I can visit anytime in the morning on the new day, regardless of whether it's been 12 hours yet or not).
I doubt they're getting rid of avatars. Many players have invested a lot of NP and time to earn certain avatars, and it'd upset way too many people. I'm sure they'll fix it soon enough.
Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:03 pm
I still have the Altador plot bug. But the wheel which was giving me trouble just after midnight last night is working now for me.
(It said i needed to wait 20+ hours it's been less than that but the spin worked)
Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:21 pm
There's a current glitch/error with the World Challenges, too. All scores/payouts have been processing for the last 3-4 hours. That is, the scores move to the next hour again and again, and more players are joining every time. Currently there are 31 players on Hasee Bounce
(And 19 players on Igroo Garage Sale, where I'm still, thankfully, holding on for second place
Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:59 pm
mogster500 wrote:They could be implementing a new system for the coding, or could be totally scrapping the avatars since it's been on the backburners for way too long.
I am not too sure what you mean about 'on the backburners', we have over 300 avatars (not all available now), but it is still a biggish part of Neopets. We haven't had a new avatar in awhile, but that doesn't mean that the entire idea is shelved.
We have had the avatar glitch before, it will be worked out soon enough.
The main thing to remember is that these kind of glitches happen and it doesn't usually mean anything major is happening to the site.
The Altador Plot prizes glitch happens a lot, although I am not too sure if it is a glitch because of the regular occurance.
Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:53 am
My theory is that TNT is acting upon what they said in editorial 322 with the neoboards:
*Hands you cake* First off I have to say that I love the new rule, no more auto spammers on the AC.
I'd just like to know what is the time for the new rule? Like, the time in between posts, because I have gotten 153 seconds and a lot of really high numbers. ~electra46
It shouldn't be more than 30 seconds. We're really sorry about the funkiness lately. If you get a long wait time, try refreshing. We've got a couple of rogue servers that are set to the wrong time, so you're having to wait longer than normal to post.
(Oh, and don't tell anyone, but we're looking at some ways to cut down on the wait time for older accounts. *fingers crossed*)
Just a random theory, though. And chances are it's not right. XD I just want to be hopeful, because it'd be a logical reason why older accounts seem to be affected by this glitch...
I'm either going with 'TNT is helping us older players' or 'TNT set a bonfire in their office that destroyed the posts'.
Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:32 pm
Looks like Altador plot prizes have been fixed.
Wheel of Monotony/Knowledge are still showing the 24 hour thing.
Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:44 pm
A screenie (not mine) of a nmail received from TNT concerning the glitched avatars:
Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:42 pm
It seems to be working for me now...
Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:24 am
From the news page:
We are moving some servers around this weekend, so if you experience any problems with the site please try again in a bit and hopfully everything will be working.
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