For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:50 am
I played the Feb game of Plushie Tycoon and (by my calculations) managed to get enough for a np prize as well as the avatar. However, it's now the 8th or 9th of March and still no prizes have been handed out, and whenever I click over to the Plushie Tycoon page, it says "The February game of Plushie Tycoon is now over. Prizes are being awarded and a new game will be starting in 2 days!!!"
Has this happened to anyone else before?
Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:50 am
Yeah; the guy in charge is sometimes slow to clean up after the old game and start the new game. When he gets around to it, I'm sure things will be straightened out.
Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:00 am
Yeah. A few months ago, the "will start in 2 days" lasted for a whole month + 5 days into the month after that. It was irritating.
Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:06 am
Ah, ok, so this is a relatively 'normal' occurence then. I'm happy to be patient and wait. Plushie Tycoon is quite addictive but only worth playing if you have the time to sit around during all of the updates to play! Work has been craaaazy the last couple of months so I'm amazed I managed to (provisionally???) get some np and the avvie out of it.
When the guy in charge finishes the manual checking, do players get a neomail? Or just keep checking back on the main page?
p.s. He's probably been pulled off to do plot/pound work! Hehe.
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