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What should I do in the ROS plot?

Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:20 pm

I used the now-forbidden calculator (for which some people were frozen) in the ROS plot to solve 7/10 of my 3-modifier puzzles. Since this calculator was disallowed, I feel bad continuing the plot and possibly getting a good prize when I technically didn't do all the work I should have done. Of course, if I'd suspected the calculator would be disallowed, I never would have used it -- I'd have continued solving the puzzles on my own. So what should I do now?

Should I continue doing the plot? (I do them for the enjoyment of solving them, not for the prizes.)
Should I offer to help solve 1 3-modifier puzzle for 7 different people (so I'll still have sort of done that step)?
Should I just stop doing the plot and sit out until the next one?
Should I finish the plot and just offer lots of help to others as I go?
Should I self-freeze? {This ain't gonna happen, but it's only fair I include this option}

I know it's just an on-line game, but I want to be fair to the other players. So what do you think, PPT? Thanks for your thoughts.

Re: What should I do in the ROS plot?

Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:26 am

I actually think TNT should have made their position about the calculator clear at the very beginning. Then all this wouldn't have happened. Those that used the calculator should be allowed to continue as they didn't know that it wasn't allowed.

Re: What should I do in the ROS plot?

Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:07 pm

I wouldn't have come out and stated openly to doing that to start off with. :)

In the Altador plot many people used the starmapper and never thought twice about it - if the calculator is cheating than the starmapper wasn't much better.

I think a lesson has been learned here. TNT do know when the line is crossed and have now stated it for all us to see.

All of us can take this information and put it to good use in other plots - do not use programes that think for us.

I would not give up part of the plot if I was you, but you can only do what you feel is right for you.
If you like to help, then continue to do so here or on the boards (that seems punishment enough :P ).

Re: What should I do in the ROS plot?

Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:52 pm

Thanks, Daze and wildkitten. My PPT name is not the same as my Neopets name, so they don't know who I am. It's exactly because of the programs in Altador and TOW that I used this one -- I didn't finish TOW because I was so determined to do my potions without help and ran out of time before I could (and I didn't use the starmapper in Altador and finished behind others on a lot of steps because of it, though of course that turned out not to matter at all). I didn't want to get burned by not using a calculator when they seemed to be okay (and almost necessary) in other plots. I've decided to offer help to those who seem really stuck on the 3-modifier ones -- I'll give them their first modifier and the combo they're striving for in their last symbol, so they'll have fewer combos to try but will still be doing the work themselves. I actually enjoy these kinds of puzzles, and I'm pretty good at them. So I'll do my penance and then do the rest of the plot by myself (except, of course, for the general help I get here on PPT). Thanks again for the feedback.

P.S. No, I do NOT feel bad enough to go near the Neoboards -- assisting other PPTers will be enough for me, thanks.

Re: What should I do in the ROS plot?

Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:02 pm

If I were you, I'd just continue with the plot and finish it. No use not continuing if you have already started.

Re: What should I do in the ROS plot?

Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:43 am

I'd continue with the plot, if I were you. After all, there was no way of knowing it wasn't allowed. As some have said, similar programs were allowed in the past, so it is understandable that you'd think it is allowed. Just don't use the programs in the future, now that "the line is drawn."
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