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Item Log

Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:31 pm

Hi everyone! I have a dilema, I don't have a link to my Item Log in my Inventory! Is there anyone else with this problem, or can someone tell me where another link to it is?

Here's are screenies of my Inventory: ... titled.jpg ... reenie.jpg

Please help!

Re: Item Log

Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:35 pm

The item event log:

I don't have a clue regarding your problem though. What's with the Jr thing?

Re: Item Log

Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:37 pm

I've had that for ever... I thought everyone did? Maybe it's the age I have put in. I know at least a few other users have it...

Re: Item Log

Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:04 pm

Do you have an account that's for ages 13 and under?

If so, I don't think you're allowed to accept items from other users, hence why you wouldn't have an item log.

Re: Item Log

Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:23 pm

I do have a under 13, but I can accept items by clicking on the link given, I could accept them before too. And I had the link a few months before, right after it came out.

Re: Item Log

Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:11 am

I had a jr thing until the day my account no longer needed parental permission, so that's probably why =o

Except for mine was an option/link to go to neopets junior... not as invading as that one is on your account. My sister's looks like that, or at least used to look like that when you go to neopets jr.s *feed a pet* page. If that is the link you get when you click on your neopoints amount, and not some other link (I can't remember if on the neopets jr accounts if 'feed a pet' and 'inventory' are separate), then I don't know what to tell you.

I think it's default like that if you have the age as 10 or under or maybe 8...

All I know is that is strange o_o I have no idea where your item log link poofed to... I liked the old item log better, where you could see the items you sent people or recieved or something like that xD

Re: Item Log

Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:41 pm

yellowsugardog wrote:I had a jr thing until the day my account no longer needed parental permission, so that's probably why =o

That's odd. Did you activate parental permission or just wait until you were old enough? I'm twelve lol so I've got the parentla permission form faxed out. Mine never had the Jr logo, though o_O

Re: Item Log

Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:34 am

I'm pretty sure I faxed in a form, but that was about three or four years ago now.
Either I'm imagining things, or the time I faxed one in affected the logo appearing?
Well, it wasn't really a logo... I just remember there being a link to it somewhere on my account. xD
I'm probably not helping. ~:>

EDIT: Whoops, I just read my last post, and I think it was until the day I turned 13, not parental permission. That makes no sense, because there wasn't even neo jr when I sent in the form. xD
I'm confusing myself. XD I shouldn't have posted. XDD
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