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Recommend me a few good shops to restock at!

Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:54 pm

I have slightly over 10 million NP. Most of it was earned through the stock market and playing games. However, I am considering adding restocking to my regular sources of income.

I usually restock at cheap shops (e.g. food shop, pharmacy, collectable cards, gardening supplies) during half price day. Hence I have some experience with restocking, although I am far from an expert.

Since I am rich but have limited time to play Neopets, I want to restock at shops at which I can earn great profits (preferably at least several thousand NP per item, instead of the several hundred NP per item I currently earn when restocking at cheap shops). I do not mind doing some research into the items in the shops I restock at. Unfortunately, my Internet connection is quite laggy and I do not expect to compete with expert restockers who know all the tricks in the book.

Which shops do you recommend I restock at? By "shops", I am referring to official shops and not player-owned shops. Based on the recommendations I receive, I will form a shortlist and eventually narrow down to about 3-4 shops, then do some research into the items before I start restocking.

Re: Recommend me a few good shops to restock at!

Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:09 pm

Pharmacy is a great shop to restock at because when the Medicinal Soaps, Herbal Scrambled Eggs, or Tongue Shrinkers restock, there are usually 20+ of them, so you have a good chance of getting at least one (with a fast connection, I get 2-3)

(Sorry for hideous font :P)

Re: Recommend me a few good shops to restock at!

Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:34 am

Thanks! Do you have any more shops to recommend?

Re: Recommend me a few good shops to restock at!

Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:24 am

Egyptian Scrolls is good. Most items are a small profit, and not many people go there. There are also quite a few UB scrolls, so you can get very lucky quite often.

Re: Recommend me a few good shops to restock at!

Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:28 pm

If you're serious about restocking, you should be looking for items at several MILLION per restock (I don't really bother with shops that don't have that potential). I'm in the process of writing a restocking guide (with individual shop reviews) for my site,

Some shops to try if you're looking for big profits and you know what you're doing: Magic, Stamps, Royal Potionery, Battle Magic, Defense Magic, Toys, Plushies, Merifoods. There are tons really. =P

EDIT: whoops missed the part where you're on a slow connection. Maybe try clothing (sometimes the shop is fast, sometimes it's okay), spooky food, and less popular shops like Magical Marvels, Snow Food, Icy Crystals, Haunted Weaponry.

Re: Recommend me a few good shops to restock at!

Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:05 am

Nannerz, most of the shops you recommended - such as Magic - are for expert restockers, if the guides I have read are anything to go by!

In March, I will enter junior college. Unlike American junior colleges, junior colleges here are for the top students. I will therefore have limited time to play Neopets - about 30 minutes a day (more during weekends, much more during school holidays and much less during exams). For me, Neopets is about having fun and achieving goals I set for myself, rather than being up there with the best.

I have slightly under a month to pick 3-4 shops, do some research on the items they stock and practise restocking. Having some experience restocking, albeit in cheap shops on Half Price Day, I know some of the tricks in the book and consider myself an "advanced beginner" restocker. After I learn more tricks from guides and have a few months' experience, I will probably be an "advanced intermediate" restocker. Unless I get a much faster connection and have more time to play, I will probably never be an "expert" restocker.

Many of the guides I read recommend the Book Shop. Do you think it is a good shop for me to restock at, based on my above comments?
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