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Dubloon training

Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:54 am

I was just wondering... is there any way to break down a large-denomination dubloon (e.g. one hundred) down to smaller denominations (e.g. five)? I know the machine thingy on Krawk Island lets you convert upwards but I don't think it can go downwards.

And yes I'm hating the sudden inflation in five dubloon coins :) Should've trained and labbed at the same time so my defence stats aren't so hideous!

Re: Dubloon training

Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:01 am

I think the only way to get smaller denomination dubloons is to buy something from one of the shops on Krawk Island, though I'm not positive as I've never tried it. I usually end up doing a trade with someone for what I need.

Re: Dubloon training

Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:11 am

Yep you can buy krawk is.petpets and they will make change

Re: Dubloon training

Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:16 pm

Isn't there a machine somewhere that will exchange and break down your dubloons?

Re: Dubloon training

Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:25 pm

No, the machine works the opposite way Kym. It takes small dubloon coins and adds them together to make a larger-denomination coin.

Re: Dubloon training

Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:02 pm

If there were such a machine, One Dubloon Coins would plummet in price (because Two Dubloon Coins cost less than One Dubloon Coins, and people would be rushing to make profit by "breaking down" their dubloons and doubling their money.)

Re: Dubloon training

Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:55 am

Although, purely speaking economically here, what kind of a currency doesn't have a set conversion rate?

So this is 10 one dubloon coins. Funnilly enough, its also 10 two dubloon coins! Yep thats right, costs both 20, and 10 dubloons!


Meh, if they do do this i should hopefully be super rich. (for smugglers cove, i've got a thousand or so dubloons on hand, so the 1000 cost me like 700k before... delicious profit)
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