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Look Who's Number 12 on the Top Searched List!

Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:08 pm

I'm so proud! I was checkin' it out (Clay Aiken is number two) and look what I saw!

Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:56 pm

Wow! I thought for sure it was gonna be Adam Powell... And I'd be responsible for at least half o' those searches... LOL

Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:12 pm

wow, its even beating harry potter :shock:

Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:14 pm

w00t go Neopets!! It looks like a couple of jacksons are searched to ..

Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:18 pm

It saddens me to see that Nick Berg's execution video is at the very top. I was unfortunate enough to see it (some morons in my Spanish class were playing it, and I happened to look over at the screen unknowingly). It's gross. It's disgusting. It's sickening. :cry:

Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:19 pm

Impressive! :wink:

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:23 pm

simsman24000 wrote:It saddens me to see that Nick Berg's execution video is at the very top. I was unfortunate enough to see it (some morons in my Spanish class were playing it, and I happened to look over at the screen unknowingly). It's gross. It's disgusting. It's sickening. :cry:

Way back when, stuff like that was never, ever in the media. Heck, you never even saw a dead person's body on the news or in a news magazine. It just wasn't done. Back then, people seemed to have respect and decency for the dead--not anymore, however. I can't imagine people getting their jollies seeing that video--I just can't.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:35 pm

It all changed during VietNam, as I'm sure you'll remember, Morningstar. Of course, that was the first war that we had nearly up-to-the-hour updates. That kind of set the bar, and you can watch the progression from that to things like the Twin Towers stuff, and now this.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:59 pm

It's all so sadistic. Can't dead bodies even rest in peace?

Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:08 pm

Wow :shock:
Didn't Adam always say he wanted Neopets to be more popular than pokemon?

Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:45 pm

Wow... it's there for 21 weeks? On the list? Wow, and it went from #18 to #12, not bad... :P

Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:04 am

Sailor Moon is only at 42? Bah.

Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:38 am

Hey, I think Clay Aiken deserves to be #1 waaay more than an execution video. *cough*

Yeah, it is disgusting. Some moron even aired his DEATH NOISES on air. What a sicko.

Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:48 am

Medli will be proud of the CLAY THAT IS THE AIKEN.

Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:02 am

Wow, number 12 - that's pretty impressive. I'm not even going to say what I think of the number one search though... :roll:

(You know, when I first saw the subject, I thought you were talking about some kind of list on Neopets :P)
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