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I'm back - HELP?!

Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:11 am

I took about a 6-month hiatus from Neopets... I was feeling "meh" about the new changes, and was busybusybusy at work.
I left about halfway through July... and I'm trying to go through news and stuff...
But can anybody inform me of any MAJOR changes since about halfway through the Altador Cup? Any new worlds that I don't see on the map? Any new pets that I haven't run across yet? Important themes I should know?

Re: I'm back - HELP?!

Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:19 pm

*puts on a detective hat* *searches archives*
*is confused at dates and years*
Off the top of my head, I can think of the new site layout, NeoCash, customisation, Lutari neopet, Lutari Isle, and...If I remember any later, I'll post them up.

*is bad at estimating time*

Re: I'm back - HELP?!

Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:46 pm

The best I can suggest is go through the old news archives and if you find anything interesting do a search here on PPT, more than likely it has been a subject for discussion here as well. :)

Re: I'm back - HELP?!

Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:05 pm

Daze wrote:The best I can suggest is go through the old news archives and if you find anything interesting do a search here on PPT, more than likely it has been a subject for discussion here as well. :)

*nods* that's what I've been doing...
I haven't found anything big, all of the things Helena mentioned were up to when I took off. I was more asking because I COULDN'T find anything... was weird.
ell that's good! It means that other than some new items & games, I really haven't missed much!

Re: I'm back - HELP?!

Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:17 pm

There really hasn't been much since you left, now that I'm thinking about it.

Really the only new thing to have happened was the return of AAA (Games Master Challenge). Other than that, nothing significant has happened at Neopets since the Altador Cup.

Re: I'm back - HELP?!

Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:53 pm

Decemberspypilot wrote:There really hasn't been much since you left, now that I'm thinking about it.

Really the only new thing to have happened was the return of AAA (Games Master Challenge). Other than that, nothing significant has happened at Neopets since the Altador Cup.

You know... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
On one hand - wee! I didn't miss much! I swung by one day and did a few AAA games (not many, but I was killing time at work... did nothing else but games), so I can even say I did a little of that. So I feel still knowledgeable.
On the other hand - Boo? There used to be soooo much new stuff, it was hard to keep track of. Hmmmm... it's almost a disappointment.

Edited to add: Either way, thank you for answering! :) Glad to see PPT is still as awesome as ever.
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