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Switching accounts

Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:30 pm

I'm really tired of the ugly name I gave my account when I was nine years old, so I was thinking about starting a new account with a better name and transferring everything from my original account to that one. This would involve selling stocks and transferring a few items from this account, and then I've got about 1.6 mil plus stocks I'd be sending over. Would this be too suspicious to TNT? Is this even allowed?

Re: Switching accounts

Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:50 pm

It's risky, but there's nothing against the rules about doing so. However, with the pound down, you'd be unable to transfer your pets(and even if it were up, you might want to age the new account so you could adopt painted pets). If you still intend to use a new account, make sure you sign up with the same email account on both usernames, transfer items and NP through the Trading Post, and self-freeze the original account after you're done. You may get frozen anyway for suspicious activity, but would probably be able to get unfrozen.

Re: Switching accounts

Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:34 pm

I switched accounts like that about a year ago, and I didn't get frozen. I didn't have that many NP, though. It does take a long time to move all your items. I had 500-600 items in my SDB, and I moved them gradually over a couple of weeks.
In short, it's time-consuming to switch accounts, but I thought it was worth it, since my former main account had a dumb name from when I was in 6th grade.

Re: Switching accounts

Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:12 pm

I've been wanting to switch accounts, but won't do it because I love my shiny medals on my 7+ year account too dearly. It would be too much of a hassle to move everything over. Just in case something happens, though, I created a side account and moved some of my (most advent) items over to it in case I change my mind.

I wish TNT would implement some system, possibly based on NeoCash, where you can change your username once. Not sure what kind of effect that would have on their servers/coding, though.

Re: Switching accounts

Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:04 pm

angisfab wrote:I wish TNT would implement some system, possibly based on NeoCash, where you can change your username once. Not sure what kind of effect that would have on their servers/coding, though.

Well, seeing as they always have trouble fixing seemingly easy problems, this would probably make all their servers go *POOF* :P

As for switching accounts, like all of the above people said: it's possible, but a lot of hassle. In the off-chance that you get frozen for it, you can always get unfrozen (unless the policy has changed..). And I wouldn't change my account and all achievements on it (including the risk of losing your pet in the pound to snipers) just for a username..

Re: Switching accounts

Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:09 pm

Thanks, all. I'm feeling a lot better about this. <3

The whole losing my trophies thing has been hard to get over, but I figure I'd feel better once I got a couple for the new account. And pounding my pet isn't too much of a problem. It's got pretty good stats, but its name is ridiculous as well. :p

Re: Switching accounts

Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:28 am

angisfab wrote:I wish TNT would implement some system, possibly based on NeoCash, where you can change your username once. Not sure what kind of effect that would have on their servers/coding, though.

I wish so badly that they would do this. But I know they never will.

I have seriously considered switching my side account to my main, because I like my side's name a whole lot better. The numbers on my main account name drive me nuts. But I probably won't ever switch because I have many one time only trophies and avatars that I'd never be able to get again.
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