For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:04 pm
Neopets needs to open the pound. Also, for the new year at least one new pet species should be released. What about doing both together. My suggestion is to have a new pet species, but one only available from the pound. Once every so often, a member of the neopet's team would have to create the pet, users can not create it. The team member would name the pet using suggested names from users, or maybe the team member could think of something nice. Then the pet would go into the pound with no announcement in the news or anything like that.People would just have to visit the pound and hope to see one there!
Let me know what you think, I already sent in the idea.
Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:10 pm
Yes, they do need to open the pound. They had said previously (I don't remember if it was in the NT or the magazine) that it would be open by the end of the year. So much for that.
Yes on a new species. Only, I think it should be one available to everyone. The Lutari was the last one released and you have to either be really lucky on Lutari day or pay for Neopets Mobile to get one. There needs to be something new that everyone can enjoy.
Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:20 pm
pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:Yes, they do need to open the pound. They had said previously (I don't remember if it was in the NT or the magazine) that it would be open by the end of the year. So much for that.
Yes on a new species. Only, I think it should be one available to everyone. The Lutari was the last one released and you have to either be really lucky on Lutari day or pay for Neopets Mobile to get one. There needs to be something new that everyone can enjoy.
I think it may have been Snarkie who said the pound would be open by the end of the year.
It's just probably taking a lot of effort and time into getting it up and running, so I'm willing to wait.
A new species would be great though!
Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:54 pm
I'd really like something new and unique, like a plant-based pet, something rooty or mossy looking.
Also, I'd like:
Fuzzy Caterpillar (I think this would work well because caterpillars come in so many colors anyway, and the faerie version can be a butterfly. Then the darigan version can be one of those really creepy kind of caterpillars that sting.)
Fuzzy spider (Ok, many people hate spiders but some spiders are fuzzy and kind of cute or at least interesting looking. )
Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:55 pm
I'm deathly afraid of spiders (filthly little creatures), but I like all the other ideas!
Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:02 pm
Certainly an interesting idea ... but it got me thinking about a new pet and how much hard work it would be. In the old days a new pet would only originally have to be drawn in the 4 basic colours in the regular poses, now each and every piece of wearable clothing would have to be drawn to fit the new species in theory before it was released ... something tells me new species may not occur too much anymore.
Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:08 pm
It would be hard to release a new species now, and have all the clothing fit it. But they could release it and just have a few special clothings at first, then slowly work on the rest.
Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:14 pm
About the certain staff member posting, they said "The pound will re-open sometime this year." Now I am fearing that they mean a year after they posted that, which would mean August 2008. D:
And my favourite suggestion is owl. There aren't that many bird pets, and all that are bird-like look cute or silly, not like the wise image often associated with owls. XD
Tue Jan 01, 2008 8:12 pm
I just updated my userlookup with some paint brush color ideas and my Xquid neopet. Most of this is old artwork I've saved over the years. If you are an old member of this forum, you've probably seen all this before. If not, have a look and let me know what you think.
Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:43 pm
smudgeoffudge wrote:I just updated my userlookup with some paint brush color ideas and my Xquid neopet. Most of this is old artwork I've saved over the years. If you are an old member of this forum, you've probably seen all this before. If not, have a look and let me know what you think.
I really like the Maractite idea. That would be cool.
Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:15 am
Would this be a good pet color? I just made this one today.
Tie dye
Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:54 am
I think so! There's a lot of cool things you can do with tie-dye. Bubbles, swirls, stripes, circles, random stuff... there's a lot of possibility there. =D
Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:55 am
Ooh, that looks amazing! *pounce and huggles*
*writes cheese tie-dye on paper and puts in vote box*
Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:08 pm
A fuzzy paint brush would be nice.
And I do wish that there was a secure way to move pets between my accounts. It would be so nice if the new pound would give us that ability.
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