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Games Master Challenge - Over :(

Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:36 pm

The Games Master Challenge is back!

"Greetings, my name is Aristotle A. Avinroo. Some of you may remember me from earlier this year when I challenged you pathetic gamers to beat my scores. A few of you managed to overcome my Daily Dare challenge, but now I am back, and you won't be so lucky this time!

"You now have no chance to beat me. I've trained long and hard, using my superior IQ to improve all of my gaming methods and strategies. To once again assert myself as the unquestionable master of the Games Room, I am issuing a new challenge! I'll speak slowly and try to explain my proposal as simply as possible, so hopefully you will all be able to understand it.

"This time, I will offer five challenges per day each day for one week. These challenges will consist of games of my choosing. If, by some miracle, you actually manage to complete any of them, you will be rewarded well. The more scores you beat, the better your trophy will be. Of course, there's no chance anyone will get the top trophy, because absolutely no one could possibly beat all of my challenges! Do you think you're ready? Of course you're not, but try to prepare yourself anyway! Let the Games Master Challenge begin! Hahaha!"

Day One

1. Strolling Through Neopia Central - Submit any score - Prize: Cheeseburger
2. Just Experimenting... - Score 350 or more in Korbat's Lab - Prize: Korbat Calculus
3. Creepy-Crawlies - Submit a score of 125 in Itchy Invasion and 150 in Cooty Wars - Prize: Wind Up Cooty
4. Throw Down the Gauntlet - Challenge somebody to any Flash Game - Prize: Scientific Flash Cards
5. Don't Eat Your Neggs Before They're Caught - Score 150 or more in Meerca Chase II - Prize: Buttered Negg Waffle

Day Two

1. Picking Your Own in Meridell - Send a score in five different qualifying Flash games - Prize: Braku Berry Juice
2. Round Up the Usul Suspects! - Track down a score of 100 in The Usul Suspects - Prize: Strawberry Usul Shake
3. The Sporting Life - Submit a score of 300 in Tyrannian Mini Golf, 200 in Wingoball, and 50 in Tug 'O' War - Prize: Robotic Golf Club
4. These Are a Few of my Favourite Games - Add three qualifying Flash games to your list of Favourites. Be sure to check the list of qualifying games to make sure yours are there! - Prize: Fun Games (book)
5. Scared of Your Own Shadow, Eh? - Send a score of 200 in game Edna's Shadow - Prize: Edna (book)

Day Three
1. Surfing the Rapids of Shenkuu - Send a score in 15 different games - Prize: River Wave Breeze
2. Double, Double... - Score 100 points in Sophie's Stew - Prize: Black Meowclops Backpack
2. (US ONLY) Swim For It - Navigate through the water to reach a score of 150 in Sony's The Water Horse: Crusoe Cruiser! - Prize: Black Meowclops Backpack
3. This Challenge Does Not Exist - Score 400 in Jelly Blobs of Doom, Score 300 in Bouncy Supreme and score 250 in Attack of the Gummy Dice - Prize: Orange Jelly Toilet, Delicious Faerie Bubbles
4. Exploring in the Games Room - Search a word with the Games Room search that has ten or more results (Ball works) - Prize: Kiko Explorer Plushie
5. Pop! Goes the Secret Challenge - Score 400 in Faerie Bubbles - Prize: Delicious Faerie Bubbles

Day Four

1. Tube-Racing on Kiko Lake - Send a score in thirty different qualifying Flash games. - Prize: Kiko Fudge Sundae
2. It's a Witch('s Brother) Hunt! - Search deep in the woods for a score of 350 on Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway. - Prize: Potion Shelves
3. Please Don't Cuddle This Challenge - Score 300 in Petpetsitter, score 50 in Snowbeast Snackrifice, score 80 in Feed Florg, and score 50 in Petpet Cannonball - Prize: Regal Purple Petpet Cushion and Florg Plushie
4. A Fistful of Flash Challenges - Test the gaming skills of five more of your friends by sending them Flash Challenges. - Prize: Darigan Playing Cards
5. Flip Those Blocks! - Send a score of 800 in game Goparokko! - Prize: Goparokku Staff Plushie

Day Five

1. Getting Lost in the Haunted Woods at Night - Send a score in 45 different qualifying games - Prize: Tongue Wrap
2. If You Can't Take the Heat... - Score 300 points or more in Volcano Run II - Prize: Chokato Volcano
3. Don't Get Cold Feet! - Score 700 in Snowmuncher, 1200 in Ice Cream Machine, 125 in Snow Wars II and 175 in Snowball Fight - Prize: Snow Brucicle and Blue Snowflake Biscuit Jar
4. The Numbers Game - View 20 different qualifying high score tables. Go here then open a bunch of them. - Prize: Math Blocks
5. It's a Juggling Act - Score 100 or more points in Jolly Jugglers - Prize: All About Juggling

Day Six
1. Climbing Terror Mountain During a Blizzard - Send a score on sixty different qualifying Flash games. - Prize: Mighty Melon Ice Lolly
2. (US Residents) Workin' in the Workshop - Dig through Santa's bag of toys to come up with a score of 1000 in Wal*Mart: Santa's Sleigh! - Prize: Turmaculus Stamp
2. (Non-US Residents) Game Challenge - Roll your way to a score of 300 in Turmac Roll! - Prize: Turmaculus Stamp
3. Report This Challenge to the Defenders of Neopia - Score 250 in Trouble at the National Neopian, 250 in Attack of the Revenge, 400 in Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars, 150 in The Great Qasalan Caper - Prize: Blue Evil Fuzzle Rug and Captain Scarblade Plushie
4. If You Can't Say Anything Nice - Submit feedback with a score of 10 for any qualifying Flash game. - Prize: Nova
5. Secret Game Challenge - Send a score of 300 in Mop 'n' Bop! - Prize: Stagnate Puddle of Water

Day Seven

1. Walking Along the Edge of Techo Mountain Barefoot
- Send a score in 75 qualifying games - Prize: Decorated Fruit Basket
2. Aim for the Skies - Score 125 in Shenkuu Warrior - Prize: Split Lenny Morphing Potion
3. Demolition Derby - Score 650 in Whack-A-Staff Member, 400 in Whack-A-Kass, 1000 in Destruct-o-match II, 150 in Ugga Smash and 150 in Whack-A-Ghost - Prize: Cymbal Bashing Mynci Toy, Tomato Smasher
4. It's All About You - Send 3 scores in from any of your qualifying Favorites - Prize: Outdoor Hoop Game
5. Unlocking the Secrets of the Lost Desert - Score 1000 in Sutek's Tomb - Prize: Suteks Riches Scratchcard


Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:31 pm

To be able to beat Sony's The Water Horse, I had to download the web broswer Opera.
This allowed me to resize the game to this size.


The disproportionate resize allows the up and down keys to be MUCH more responsive.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:58 pm

pah i hate sophies stew :x

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:41 pm

ellamcumber wrote:pah i hate sophies stew :x

Me too. I'm working with an awful jerky ball mouse at the moment so I just gave up. Time to borrow someone else's comp I think! =D

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:44 pm

I am in need of someone to send my challenges to. I am a loner on neopets. If someone doesn't mind me sending them the challenges, I would appreciate it.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:48 pm

wittyyankee wrote:I am in need of someone to send my challenges to. I am a loner on neopets. If someone doesn't mind me sending them the challenges, I would appreciate it.

You can send it to my old account huckjam24.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:49 pm

euphoniumgirl_71 wrote:
wittyyankee wrote:I am in need of someone to send my challenges to. I am a loner on neopets. If someone doesn't mind me sending them the challenges, I would appreciate it.

You can send it to my old account huckjam24.
Thanks So much.
:D :D :D

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:20 am

The Water Horse is killing me :( .Maybe its a mac issue, but I cant get to the end despite holding down the right arrow key the full time.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:24 am

neobeth wrote:The Water Horse is killing me :( .Maybe its a mac issue, but I cant get to the end despite holding down the right arrow key the full time.

For me, as you eat more fish you seem to speed up. I just did that.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:29 am

Waterhorse what i noticed:

-try to stick to the bottom more then the top
-Dive all the way under the fisherman boats and lines even if it means missing bubbles (the fisherman really seemed to slow me down)
-Only hold forward dont hit back even if you hit something just keep going forward you flash for a moment and can just go through the obstacle you hit.

umm i can't think of anything else I had no issue with this game I got a high enough score second time around.

I'm on dial up, use firefox, and played at the default size if that helps anyone out


Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:35 am

My only neofriend is my mom (that sounds so incredibly lame) because if I want to talk to people online about neopets, I come here. For the challenge part, rather than risk the neoboards I just sent challenges to accounts that haven't been accessed in ages and ages.

Otherwise I've been enjoying the challenges. Nothing has really been too difficult for me, I wonder if the scores are going to get any harder.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:45 am

For those who are having issues with the water horse: change your country, complete Sophie's Stew, and change back. I'm not sure if that will work, having managed the water horse, but it's a good idea.

Am I the only one who, upon seeing that this was Snowbeast Snackrifice and Feed Florg flashed back to the ethical arguments when Feed Florg first came out?

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:11 am

Does anyone have hints for the snowbeast one? I can't seem to get past the first level

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:22 am

wittyyankee wrote:I am in need of someone to send my challenges to. I am a loner on neopets. If someone doesn't mind me sending them the challenges, I would appreciate it.

me could challenge me if you like, if anyone needs to challenge someone - I'm kimi_aiko on neopets. I'll decline you...but it still counts for your total of challenges sent.
Last edited by laurenb on Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Games Master Challenge (Split 1)

Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:49 am

If anyone else needs someone to send flash challenges to, I'm available as well. My name on Neopets is mayanpilot, and I know my event box is already full of them as I checked earlier :lol:
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