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What is your bank type, and balance?

Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:37 am

Account Type : Millionaire Platinum
Current Balance : 1,207,318 NP
Millionaire Platinum Interest Rate : 10.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 126,768 NP

TDG Edit:

A reminder that it is a big bad scary world out there. This is a public forum and we have had scammers here in the past. If you wouldn't feel comfortable posting your bank balance on the Neoboards, I wouldn't post it here.

The most likely scenario is nothing bad will happen to you because of this thread, but remember that scammers do exist and may target you for your pretty pennies if you post about them.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:18 pm

My bank type is Ultimate Riches!.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:07 pm

Let's see...

The National Neopian Bank wrote:Account Type : Millionaire Double Platinum
Current Balance : 3,586,802 NP
Millionaire Double Platinum Interest Rate : 11.0% per year.
Yearly Interest : 394,548 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 1,081 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

*hugs bank account*

I wish my real life bank account had that amount of money :P I can't bring myself to spend it on the battledome weapons I need though.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:17 pm

Account Type : Ultimate Riches!
Current Balance : 10,215,367 NP
Ultimate Riches! Interest Rate : 12.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 1,276,920 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 3,499 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

It's from never spending any significant amount of NP on anything.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:19 am

Account Type : Millionaire Double Platinum
Current Balance : 0 NP
Millionaire Double Platinum Interest Rate : 11.0% per year.
Yearly Interest : 0 NP

I spend every last neopoint on training my pet (at 6 codies per stat, it gets expensive)

I am now officially broke! :(
Last edited by Siouxper on Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:58 am

Account Type : Diamond Deposit Gold
Current Balance : 302,848 NP
Diamond Deposit Gold Interest Rate : 10.0% per year.
Yearly Interest : 30,284 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 83 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below

I need to stop buying all that great clothing and paint brushes and save some money...

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:35 am

A reminder (edited into the first post too) that its a big bad scary world out there. This is a public forum and we have had scammers here in the past. If you wouldn't feel comfortable posting your bank balance on the Neoboards, I wouldn't post it here.

The most likely scenario is nothing bad happens, but remember that scammers may target you for your pretty pennies if you post about them.

And in case anybody would like to know my balance

Account Type : Diamond Deposit Gold
Current Balance : 0 NP
Diamond Deposit Gold Interest Rate : 10.0% per year.
Yearly Interest : 0 NP

Mwahahah! I don't have anything in the bank!!

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:53 am

Dyl wrote:
Account Type : Ultimate Riches!
Current Balance : 10,215,367 NP
Ultimate Riches! Interest Rate : 12.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 1,276,920 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 3,499 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

It's from never spending any significant amount of NP on anything.

Ten million!? That's insane! :(

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:07 pm

Account Type : Millionaire Platinum
Current Balance : 29,000 NP
Millionaire Platinum Interest Rate : 10.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 3,045 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 9 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

Yeah, I blew my riches. :P

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:44 am

Account Type : Ultimate Riches!
Current Balance : 2,462,821 NP
Ultimate Riches! Interest Rate : 12.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 307,852 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 844 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

I spent a lot a while ago, so thats why my account type doesnt match the balance.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:36 pm

Account Type : Super Gold Plus
Current Balance : 9,846 NP
Super Gold Plus Interest Rate : 7.0% per year.
Yearly Interest : 689 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 2 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

But I have 262,345NP not in the bank.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:34 pm

Account Type : Millionaire Platinum
Current Balance : 1,123,048 NP
Millionaire Platinum Interest Rate : 10.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 117,920 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 324 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

well im getting there very very slowly hopefully one day i can get ultimate riches!

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:29 am

Account Type : Millionaire Mega-Platinum
Current Balance : 6,367,019 NP
Millionaire Mega-Platinum Interest Rate : 11.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 732,207 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 2,007 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.


Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:03 pm

Account Type : Millionaire Mega-Platinum
Current Balance : 5,502,712 NP
Millionaire Mega-Platinum Interest Rate : 11.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 632,811 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 1,734 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

I'm exactly half way to the adam avatar and at my daily average of earning np I should be there in 116 days. I am resisting so hard just spending it all right now.

Re: What is your bank type, and balance?

Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:55 pm

Account Type : Ultimate Riches!
Current Balance : 10,248,832 NP
Ultimate Riches! Interest Rate : 12.5% per year.
Yearly Interest : 1,281,104 NP

This interest rate means that you will gain 3,510 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.

My goal is the Adam avatar by my birthday (11/2). After that, I don't know what I'll spend it all on. Maybe some of the other avatars. Probably training and a decent battle-set so I'll do better in the next plot. Most of it will probably stay in the bank; there isn't much I like to spend points on. I have to say I don't really play for the pets, so they're going to stay naked and uncustomized. Besides, I think it's cruel to put human clothes on animals. ;)

I'd love to have that much in real life. Heck, I'd love to have 1/10 (or even 1/30) of that in real life. Right now, my actual net worth is about -$30,000 (because I'm in grad school). Fortunately, I'm almost as good a saver in real-life as in Neopets, so I'll be able to pay the loans off when I'm done (while pursuing a career that I love -- epidemiology).

P.S. Definitely take heed to TDG's warning. My username here isn't the same as my Neopets username, but if it were, I certainly would not have posted my NP. After I won the random contest, hack attempts substantially rose on my account -- I was getting 3-5 "lost password requests" a day in my e-mail for about 6 months afterwards! Unfortunately, I used my e-mail address as my Neopets username (and yes, it's a hotmail account), and TNT won't let me change my username. And I'd be a lot more miffed about my e-mail being hacked than my Neopets account. So be careful out there!
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