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News for October 11

Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:58 pm

11th October

* Start the day off right with some of these tasty foods from the Health Food Shop!

* Be sure to check out the Site Spotlight winner - Spardel Mania created by pinkatzinha.

* This week's PPL award has been given to the Faerie Whoot. Well done Periwinkle, Fidget, PvtBumpkin, Barbara, and all the others.

* Can you beat Sabre-X's Better Than You score for Meepit vs. Feepit? We highly doubt it!

* The latest videos are out and ready for you to view on Neovision! Why not take a look at some of these great videos like The Pet Petrol Revolution or Episode 2: Neotrak's Journey. Congratulations to the winners!

If you want a chance to have your videos viewed by others on Neopets why not submit them?

* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 8. 4,186 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 478 NP each.

* All you ever wanted to know about the Mystery Island Mystic can be found in the latest Neopedia Article.

* If you have an Underwater Fishing-inspired page you will want this new Shop Blog.

* Neopets will be in style this Month of Collecting with this charming pumpkin hat from the Clothing Shop.

I am not for pie-making.

* Can you complete silverleaf811's Pirate Cave Of The Week - Area 51?

* Neohomes will be glowing after everyone visits the Furniture Shop for these new string lights.

* Don't forget! There are only 5 days left in the hunt for Snap, so be sure to visit the CocoaWorks sponsor area soon if you want to finish the quest.

Re: News for October 11

Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:22 am

I like the new string lights, might add them to my Neohome, or just buy them because they are pretty :)

Re: News for October 11

Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:07 am

They should make string of light clothing. Your pet can be tangled in it!

I want that pumpkin hat!
What is the actual name of it? I searched pumpkin hat and nothing came up.

I love Pet Petrol Revolution!

Re: News for October 11

Thu Oct 11, 2007 2:10 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:I want that pumpkin hat!
What is the actual name of it? I searched pumpkin hat and nothing came up.

It's called "Pumpkin Lid Hat".

Re: News for October 11

Thu Oct 11, 2007 1:41 pm


Argh, and I just had to click on this topic when I'm sitting here with no food in sight. :(

Re: News for October 11

Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:50 pm

Cool pumpkin hat thing.
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