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Restocking Rare Items?

Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:03 am

I've just returned to Neopets from a break, and I've been trying to get into restocking for a while now.

Is there a guide anywhere estimating reasonable prices for Codestones, Faeries, and other rare trinkets? I never know what to sell my items for, nor do I know what would be a good deal when buying them. I buy from other user's shops, as my internet isn't quite fast enough to restock (up to 2MBps, average download/upload of 50KB/s), however, I'll be moving onto Sky Broadband shortly, which is up to 16MBPS - a lot faster!


PS: Other than codestones, faeries, and map pieces, what else would be a good idea to buy? I did restock pizzas for a while, but I always found the main shops were empty. (Which sucks,. I don't even bother with them any more. I can't seem to ever find a shop with items in it)


Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:03 pm

Wearable Items (Clothes, backgrounds, and random items). The places to go are Uni's Clothing, Mystical Surroundings, and getting your 10 free items from refreshing at the Second-Hand Shoppe (don't pick up the Pile of Dung or the Ultra Fashionable Potato Sack). :)

As for pricing, I don't know of any guide. I usually use the SSW for that. Sorry. :(

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:41 pm

Yes its best to use the shop wizard to stay up to date on prices because a list would be old in a short period of time.

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:28 pm

neobeth wrote:Yes its best to use the shop wizard to stay up to date on prices because a list would be old in a short period of time.

When I sell my items, should I sell them for the cheapest on the wizard, or about halfway? I'm never sure when I buy/sell.

Say, if the cheapest on a search was 1150.... and the most expensive was 1900.... Should I buy it for 1150 and sell it for 1500? Hehe.

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:00 pm

I think that's really up to you and how fast you are wanting to sell the item. I generally put it at the lowest on the SSW.

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 7:00 pm

littleboy6326 wrote:
neobeth wrote:Yes its best to use the shop wizard to stay up to date on prices because a list would be old in a short period of time.

When I sell my items, should I sell them for the cheapest on the wizard, or about halfway? I'm never sure when I buy/sell.

Say, if the cheapest on a search was 1150.... and the most expensive was 1900.... Should I buy it for 1150 and sell it for 1500? Hehe.

It really depends where you are on the shop wizard, it helps to be near the bottom of the particular group you are in. Also like pinkflamingonewsgirl said, depends on how quickly you want to sell the item. Also I would stear clear of codestones right now, we are due for the bimonthly giveaway in a week to 10 days, unles you sell what you buy right away.
Other than that its best to experiment and keep notes.

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:37 pm

neobeth wrote:
littleboy6326 wrote:
neobeth wrote:Yes its best to use the shop wizard to stay up to date on prices because a list would be old in a short period of time.

When I sell my items, should I sell them for the cheapest on the wizard, or about halfway? I'm never sure when I buy/sell.

Say, if the cheapest on a search was 1150.... and the most expensive was 1900.... Should I buy it for 1150 and sell it for 1500? Hehe.

It really depends where you are on the shop wizard, it helps to be near the bottom of the particular group you are in. Also like pinkflamingonewsgirl said, depends on how quickly you want to sell the item. Also I would stear clear of codestones right now, we are due for the bimonthly giveaway in a week to 10 days, unles you sell what you buy right away.
Other than that its best to experiment and keep notes.

What's this about a giveaway?

Yeah. Just sold my codestones. I can't believe a Main sells for nearly 10K!!! A lot has happened since I've been gone!

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:49 pm

Its a once every 2 months giveaway, you get 1000 nps and a free codestone, been 4 so far.
Answer for #21 woowoogrub, Answer for #22 pandaphant
Answer for #23 yooyuball, Answer for #24 snowmuncher

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:01 pm

neobeth wrote:Its a once every 2 months giveaway, you get 1000 nps and a free codestone, been 4 so far.
Answer for #21 woowoogrub, Answer for #22 pandaphant
Answer for #23 yooyuball, Answer for #24 snowmuncher

Oh, that! I've done the first three.. I'll have to do the fourth when I'm unsuspended, though.

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:48 pm

omg! I didn't even know about that! Does someone usually post a link for that or what?

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:27 pm

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:omg! I didn't even know about that! Does someone usually post a link for that or what?

Yeah somebody usually posts the new answer when it comes out.

Re: Restocking Rare Items?

Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:03 am

I love it when those come out, then codestones really deflate and I can afford training. But they get used up quickly, and prices climb up again.
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