For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:47 pm
As you can see, these meercas have emotion. The one on the left is NOT grey!
Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:03 pm
Bacon wrote:As you can see, these meercas have emotion. The one on the left is NOT grey!
I like it. Then people can actually see if your pet is delighted, or sad. (or whatever they say when they're sad.)
Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:56 pm
Bacon wrote:As you can see, these meercas have emotion. The one on the left is NOT grey!
You totally saw that on Jellyneo.
They were the first and only place to post it. xD
I'm actually excited by this. I could have sworn that my grarrl has been smiling on and off, but maybe it wasn't.
Now, if only the pound will come back, too...
Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:32 pm
Speaking of grey...
does that mean that we'll eventually have a 'happy' grey coloured pet?
Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:28 pm
Jerch wrote:Speaking of grey...
does that mean that we'll eventually have a 'happy' grey coloured pet?
I don't see why. With the old art the grey pet still looked sad in its happy pose, I assume we'll just have sadder looking grey pets. Which isn't saying much as most of the grey pets look tired/drugged/not depressed now anyway.
Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:18 pm
Rut roh. Now I have to actually play with them?
Lol, j/k. I hope they also implement some sort of hunger thing, too. You know, to show if your pet is starving so you're more motivated to feed it.
Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:46 pm
My neopets have been creeping me out for the past few months with their constant grinning. I hope battle poses are coming soon--it's disturbing to see my Jubjub being attacked by a one-player opponent who's going all out while she just stands there and smiles.
Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:32 pm
Definatly glad for the emotions. I'm tired of my pets smile when ever something bad happens.
Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:34 am
I wonder if this means they'll be eliminating all the instances of the old pet pictures on the site. I still see quite a lot of them, even now.
Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:25 pm
It's good that they're finally going to have emotions. They should have chosen sad moods in the first place and not the creepy grinning ones, because I know I would be sad if my look randomly changed one day and I looked ten times uglier. XD
Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:24 pm
Jocelyn Spicer wrote:It's good that they're finally going to have emotions. They should have chosen sad moods in the first place and not the creepy grinning ones, because I know I would be sad if my look randomly changed one day and I looked ten times uglier. XD
Very true. But TNT wouldn't want to scare away new users by the pets sadness.
Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:23 am
I think it would be amazing if they allowed users whose pets are happy to choose whatever mood they wanted. That would make this whole customization thing TONS better!
Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:46 am
yvonne_l_d wrote:I think it would be amazing if they allowed users whose pets are happy to choose whatever mood they wanted. That would make this whole customization thing TONS better!
It would. But I think someone earlier brought up grey pets. I mean, is it possible to have a grey pet get more sad and depressed?
Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:29 am
I think they look really nice. I always felt the Meerca was in need of a makeover..
Okay, back to subject. I never really paid attention to my pet's emotions, but I think It's still cool TNT is getting this done.
Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:43 am
euphoniumgirl_71 wrote:It would. But I think someone earlier brought up grey pets. I mean, is it possible to have a grey pet get more sad and depressed?
It was before.
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