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Missing pet images

Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:34 pm

Some pet images have gone missing in user lookups.

(quick edit)

It seems to be related to customisation. :roll:

Re: Missing pet images

Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:19 am

I've noticed many of the pets have broken or partially broken images even without customization. I think it has to do with the flash now used and slower load times due to it.

Re: Missing pet images

Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:28 am

Very curious.

I noticed that my Lupe, Anniiee, hasn't been loading all day. I just have a white background with a pale gray cog. I thought it was because she was customized (in a LOVELY ensemble of a Potato Sack, Kreludan Slippers, and a Blechy hat).

Now, my lutari, TanCoul, is doing the same thing in the small picture on each page. He's also been customized.

My two usuls aren't customized beyond having a background.

This is verrrry curious.

Re: Missing pet images

Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:18 am

So, it's not just me? I just painted a Royalgirl peophin and thought maybe there was something wrong with the color that it can't be customized. She's my only customized pet (I took her cape off) so she's the only one with a problem.

Weirdly, it make me feel better that this is a general problem: maybe it will actually get fixed, then.

Re: Missing pet images

Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:10 am

My pet was perfectly fine until I logged out and logged back in. Then she wouldnt show up anymore. I hope they fix it soon. Its annoying to have NC Mall stuff on my pet when I cant even see her.

Re: Missing pet images

Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:02 pm

My Peophin is back now, but some people on NC have pets missing that aren't customized now. Hmm.
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