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News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:20 am

I like to see the news, so I decided to start posting them again. :P

26th July - Peophin Day

* If you own a Peophin, you can now transform them into a Royal Boy or Royal Girl version at the Rainbow Pool.
* We have a new Site Spotlight winner - Alatariel's Page! created by butterflyx21 and Alatariel_36.
* Satisfy your craving for candy today with one of these adorable Peophin Gummies from the Chocolate Factory.
* There is a new Peophin Shop Blog for you to use.

* Alien Aisha Ears can now be worn by the Ogrin, Peophin, Poogle, Pteri, Quiggle, Wocky, Xweetok, Yurble and Zafara.

I always wanted ears!

* A new challenger has stepped up in this week's Better Than You...

* Peophins now have quite a few pieces of clothing to mix and match...


You WILL exercise!

* If you enjoy poetry, there is a new page of Peophin Poems to read.

* There is a new page of Peophin fan pictures on display in the Art Gallery.

* Books such as "The Peophin That Couldn't Swim" and "Easy to Make Peophin Recipes" are now on sale at the Book Shop.
* A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 324. 11290 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves a measly 178 NP each.

* If you are looking for something different this Peophin Day, maybe one of these Buddy Icons is just the thing.
* Make sure you take your Peophin to see Cap'n Threelegs today, or they will miss out on the lovely free training.

* This week's PPL award has been given to the Hegelob. Well done Gebmids, Jade, Rohan, Dragony, and all the others.
* teamplayer762's level NYA NYA! has just won the latest Pirate Cave Of The Week award.

* Awww... look at all of the cute Peophin plushies from the Plushie Palace.

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:30 am

*gasps* I have a peophin!! :o (actually, I guess I'm lucky that was the first type of pet I chose when I made my new account...)

Wow, the Royals look REALLY want. Grr, I don't have 11 million for that silly paintbrush...

The Aisha ears... :roflol:

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:44 am

I keep getting this weird feeling that I've seen that Royalgirl Peophin before... or at least something really similar.

Regardless, they are still really pretty.

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:31 am

Perhaps because it looks like this?
From Neoquets I, which I'm playing again now to attempt the Insane trophy hehe. Unfortunately this pic is from the trading card, not from the game, as tinypic won't let me upload the pic for some reason. Urm.

I was a bit upset that the nicer looking royal peophin isn't a boy :) Oh well! About time they drew some decent peophin pics in my opinion. Will be getting me one of those, once I finish zapping, instead of a tyrannian peophin...

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:33 am

Oh my. I think I've just found my new dream pet. Didn't have one since they've ruined the Royal Girl Kyrii, but the Royal Girl Peophin is all kinds of awesome. Plus, she has that "ice princess" aura that I loved in the kyrii.

Gee, now I actually have a reason to save neopoints :D

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:15 am

Every time the news is posted, I expect there to be news of the Altador Cup prizes. Disappointed again.

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:30 pm

Nefasturris wrote:I keep getting this weird feeling that I've seen that Royalgirl Peophin before... or at least something really similar.

Royalgirl flotsam?
There are definite similarities between the Royalboys as well. Still, since the Flotsams were (imho) some of the best Royals, I'm OK with that.

I love the new Royalgirl peophin. Guilty as I feel about painting a grandfathered pet, I think I may have to paint my Darigan Peophin this. I never thought I'd say that about *any* Royal pet, much less a Royalgirl pet!

Re: News for July 26 (Peophin Day)

Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:17 pm

*sigh* Why must they make the Peophins look so nice now? Now they look better than most of the other Royal my opinion.
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