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Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:36 am

Hi there. I have two questions, so instead of posting two topics, I thought I'd combine them both into one.

First of all, I'd like to know if there's any real point to the Mysterious Symol Hole. My petpet just climbs down then jumps out again, does anything else EVER happen or am I wasting my time?

Secondly, I was wondering if having a higher fishing skill lets you catch better things? I figured it was obvious, but I'm at fishing skill 9 or 10 and I seem to be catching the same sort of things I did at fishing skill 1. Or does it need to be a much bigger difference before I start getting some better stuff? And if the skill does make a difference, can you catch really valuable things at a very high skill, or is it pretty much all little league junk?

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:00 am

Hi there,

The Symol Hole, for me, is very stingy. However you can get an item and an avatar our of it. To date I have not received the Avatar and the only item my Petpet has come back with has been dirt pie. I look at it this way though, its a free click.

Underwater fishing is skill based, and the items do get better. You can also get a catch and skill up more than once per day and each pet you have can fish. This link may help:

There was a good link as well with all the items you could get and the level you needed to get them, but I cannot seem to find it at the moment. I am sure someone has it around here though.

Good luck!

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:37 am

The hole may also give you a few hundred NPs...

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:41 pm

I havent had much luck with the hole...or fishing for that matter lol. but the fishing hole did inspire me to create a fish themed gallery.

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:26 pm
That's the best site I know of for fishing items, but it doesn't seem to be updated too often anymore--though as far as I know there haven't ever been any new items released into Underwater Fishing, so updates aren't really necessary at this point.

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Tue Jul 03, 2007 12:37 am

Thanks guys, both those fishing links are great, especially the second one :D Also thanks for the info on the Symol Hole, I thought it was a bit pointless but its good to know theres a chance of getting something out of it.

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:34 am

Thank you for the links. I didn't realize that when the pet is left at the pound that the fishing skill resets.

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:17 am

Arka wrote:Thank you for the links. I didn't realize that when the pet is left at the pound that the fishing skill resets.

One cool tip: if you abandon your pet at the pound and someone else adopts it, the fishing skill resets. But if you adopt the pet again, you get the fishing points back!

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Wed Jul 11, 2007 11:37 am

Fuzz wrote:One cool tip: if you abandon your pet at the pound and someone else adopts it, the fishing skill resets. But if you adopt the pet again, you get the fishing points back!

Hmm....that's interesting, but how does the mechanism work exactly?

Let's say that 'A' originally had a pet named 'PET', with a fishing skill of 100.

Then, PET is abandoned, and adopted by 'B', thus the skill resets to 0.

Afterwards, 'B' fishes until PET has a skill of 9.

The pet is abandoned, then subsequently adopted by 'B' again, the skill thus remains at 9.

Then, 'B' abandons the pet once more, and 'A' adopts it.

What would PET's skill be now?

100 or 0?

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:19 pm

I didn't know that about getting the points back, thanks!

I think what is meant is that if you adopt the pet back that it gets back the points that it had when you had it before, in the example, it would be 100.

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:06 pm

Arka wrote:I think what is meant is that if you adopt the pet back that it gets back the points that it had when you had it before, in the example, it would be 100.

Yep, that's true. I've transfered pets many times with fishing skill points. When I move them back to the account I fished on, their points return like they were.

Re: Two questions; symol hole and fishing skill

Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:28 pm

In other words, if a pet has been through 100 different users, then somewhere in TNT's database, there would be 100 sets of data linking the pet's fishing level to a separate user name?

Seems awfully wasteful to me... [even though the actual size wouldn't be that large, and TNT could have found that info anyway, assuming regular backups..]
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