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So. Um. Whatever happened to..?

Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:20 am

Whatever happened to the NP ratios of the games changing? >_>

I've been keeping an eye on them since TNT announced this, and from what I've seen, exactly nothing has changed. But then again, I could just be looking at the wrong games. (I was certain that at the very least Meerca Chase or Whack a Kass would be effected.)

..or was it just some mean early April Fool's joke?

Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:05 am

I suppose it will take some time of collecting data before they change it. Perhaps they are not making a ton of changes, but just wanted to let us know so that we will be prepared.

Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:49 pm

And meanwhile, the score categories are definitely changing - for example, Expert for Igloo Garage Sale is a very not-round-number, 1356.
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