For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:24 pm
Snowbeast Snackrifice:
A village on Terror Mountain is plagued by an ancient curse, and its citizens believe that the only way of avoiding the jinx's wrath is to deliver an offering of Petpets to a nearby Snowbeast’s cave. As soon as the Petpet Protection League (PPL) became aware of this ghastly ritual, however, they sent a delegation to Terror Mountain to stop the Petpet sacrifices. In this game, you play as a villager who is trying his best to get past the PPLers and toss as many Petpets into the Snowbeast’s ...
Well, I don't really know what to say. The game is surprisingly hard. I had difficulties with timing correctly with the power - most of the time I held the mouse button too long so the power went to 0 when I hit the petpet (though practice makes perfect and blah blah).
I'm not overly excited, to tell you the truth. I got bored quite quickly, which I usually don't get with Neopets games. Actually, I think I will rate this game as
boring. Not because of the difficulty, or the currently very poor NP-ratio, but because of its lack of thrill.
I must admit though, that the 'berserk mode' is quite cool!
Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:32 pm
Kind of reminds me of volleyball.. except it's played on snow and ice and we're murdering petpets. What a downer.
I like it, though.
Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:35 pm
Oooh, you beat me to it. But this is kind of hard, only got to level 2 with 64 points. It isn't too fun and will take a long time for me to learn, but I suppose I can give it a chance.
Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:02 pm
On my third shot I made it to level 3, made 98 np.... but its amazingly hard! It also feels somehow abhorrent, to be killing petpets, but it is very much fun and I'm hoping I'll get better. Usually with a few days practice I can do reasonably well with games.
I'm hoping a game guide will go up soon, or someone who is a better player than I will post their strategies here
Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:54 pm
I haven't actually played the game yet, but just from hearing about it...I wish they'd have given the player two options: try to chuck the petpets past the PPL members, OR be a PPL member trying to keep the petpets from harm.
EDIT: Okay, I've played it. And I have to say it sucks. A lot. I can't even describe how MUCH it sucks without resorting to words that would get me banned.
The controls are too vague, there's not nearly enough time to get used to them, the premise is sadistic. I'm not touching this game again.
Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:57 am
lilyprodigious wrote:It also feels somehow abhorrent, to be killing petpets
Can I say Feed Florg?
Rakumel wrote:I haven't actually played the game yet, but just from hearing about it...I wish they'd have given the player two options: try to chuck the petpets past the PPL members, OR be a PPL member trying to keep the petpets from harm.
EDIT: Okay, I've played it. And I have to say it sucks. A lot. I can't even describe how MUCH it sucks without resorting to words that would get me banned.
The controls are too vague, there's not nearly enough time to get used to them, the premise is sadistic. I'm not touching this game again.
2 Player might've been nice. And the controls are confusing to me, and aren't very easy to use. It seems a bit jumpy and shaky to me. Hopefully TNT will make a good game that we all like soon.
Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:06 am
I really like this game. I got 609 on my first try and I think it's really fun. I love pegging the PPLers and I love bezerk mode. The exact controls are a little confusing to me too, but I'm not very good at games that seems to have little imapct on my ability.
I think they should adjust the np ratio to 1.2 or so..but otherwise I'm happy with it.
Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:58 am
I'm still having trouble with the controls as well...
Has anyone else gotten the thing where all 3 red lights light up on the right side? It happened to me once, then the screen started flashing and let me throw petpets like crazy! Otherwise I never would have passed level 3.
Also, it only happened to me in 1 of the 3 games I played.
Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:06 am
siouxper wrote:lilyprodigious wrote:It also feels somehow abhorrent, to be killing petpets
Can I say Feed Florg?
I can't stand to play Feed Florg: at least in this one the little petpets aren't crying, I couldn't take that. (I know they're just pixels, laugh at me if you will)
Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:16 am
Yeah, the three light thing is what you really want- that's the berserk mode.
I played this three times, got two scores in the 400s then one around 1000. It's really difficult, but I think the only effective way to score is to keep trying to get into berserk mode. It's even better if you end a level with two lights- once you throw another one in the next level, you'll go right into the mode. It also seems to freeze time, so that's a plus.
I don't really like the controls either. It's very hard to align yourself with a petpet to throw it straight and with power.
Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:11 am
That just as bad as feed florg(and it is pretty hard). I mean come on, who wants to kill petpets?
Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:45 am
I found this game nearly impossible at first, but I decided to give it another chance.
They key to this game, is the frenzy-power thing. Don't bother trying to get good scores for a few games, just focus on your timing, and get better at hitting petpets full power to the snowbeast. Once your timing is half-way decent, try playing a real game.
Focus on, first thing, getting in the three max-power petpets. Then, get as many petpets in as you can! Ignore pplers, they should not be an issue. The way to aim, is to relize that the right fist will hit things to the right, and the left fist will make things to left. Also, when in frenzy mode, do not hold the mouse down, just click once to send the petpets flying!
I've gotten a score of 900 in this game using this strategy, when I was only getting a score of about 50, so just keep practicing!
Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:07 pm
I can't get that song out my head now
Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:20 pm
twinklyspangle wrote:8) It's no SNACKRI-FFIIIIICCCEEEEE
I can't get that song out my head now
Makes me glad I never turn my sound on.
But I love berserk mode, I can easily get my 20 or 30 required petpets in no time when I have that. But otherwise it seems hard, especially with the 3 PPLers blocking all of my shots
Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:10 pm
lol I never turn my sound on either....
Yea, I think the game is really difficult. It took a huge chunk of my game dignity away when I only scored 34 points...O.o
I always miss the petpet or if I'm lucky enough to hit the petpet I miss the cave...xD
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