For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:58 am
What time will hi score boards be reset and trophies be given out today? Apparently there were changes last month right?
Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:10 am
Last month was a complete aberration. I believe the scores were reset at midnight NST and trophies given out at 10-15 minutes after the reset. Anyone who happened to send moderately decent score, or just any score at all for some of the less popular games, was able to get a trophy. Back in the day, they were given out about an hour and a half after the reset. That's when I got most of mine, but that was changed to make it a bit more fair to people who weren't around during that time period. I'm thinking last month was a glitch, but I don't know. It'd be insane if it wasn't.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:44 am
As far as I remember the ultra-quick trophy race happened two months in a row. The reset occurred 10 minutes before midnight. Trophies were awarded starting at 12:15, but not all at the same time. The game I played last time was an older one and I refreshed seemingly forever waiting for the gold to appear. It wasn't awarded until a few seconds before 12:30. Also, you couldn't start a game early and carry the score over past the reset without getting an error message. To see if the same thing happens again, refresh your chosen game page until you see if it resets at 11:50 and, if so, play as fast as you can for just under 25 minutes. Good luck everybody!
Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:16 am
the.. the.. the..
(Just testing..)
Anyways! Yes, they were given out last month 15 minutes after midnight. It was rather silly..
I'd much rather earn my score mid-month, than go for a score in 15 minutes. But that's just me.. I'm not really trophy hungry, though I am VERY proud of the trophies I do have! ^.^
Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:01 am
I was looking around the Neoboards and read that daily trophy updates have been happening at 12:50 AM instead of 11:50. Something to do with daylight savings time. If it doesn't happen at 11:50, I'm going to skip the whole thing. 11:50 = 2:50 where I live and staying up another hour without knowing what's really going to happen is absurd.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:30 am
The fact that the scoring is starting on April 1st may mean anything can happen
...because with silly neo, nothing is beyond the realm of prankage.
Mwa ha ha.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:56 am
Hydrangea wrote:I was looking around teh Neoboards and read that daily trophy updates have been happening at 12:50 AM instead of 11:50. Something to do with daylight savings time. If it doesn't happen at 11:50, I'm going to skip teh whole thing. 11:50 = 2:50 where I live and staying up another hour without knowing what's really going to happen is absurd.
I think you may be getting confused.
Reset is at 11.50 pm the night before the 1st.
Trophies are given out some time after midnight on the 1st.
The last 2 months, trophies were awarded at 12.15 on the 1st.
Some on the boards are saying that during the month, trophies have been awarded at 12.50am.
So no-one is really sure what time the trophies will be awarded on the 1st of this month.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:17 am
I don't know what it means as far as trophies, but the score reset tonight was at 11:50, and my Lenny Conundrum and Mystery Pic scores reappeared at midnight.
I didn't earn any trophies, though, so no guess on when that happens.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:24 am
It seems that trophy awarding time has been expanded past 12:15 AM NST, but how far is unknown.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:45 am
I know I have a near dead pc and actually managed to make the HS in gads gads so if I dont get my trophy I think I might cry
Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:55 am
The trophies had been given out already... I got mine for Attack Of The Revenge (2nd) and MAGAX: Destroyer II (3rd)... Very Happy!!!
Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:02 am
I got second for Bilge Dice. That was probably the easiest trophy I have have gotten as I managed to score in about 3 minutes. I sent scores for shenkuu warrior and warf team rescue, but must have just missed them. This is indeed crazy. Also, I'm not sure how new this is, but a counter appeared while I was playing Bilge Dice. It said the reset would happen in 23 minutes and that this game would be unavailable for 12 minutes. That's actually the only reason I bothered trying for the warf rescue.
Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:38 am
I did manage a bronze.. just missing silver by mere points.. so I am happy and once I have my new pc I'll be able to do even better *woohoo*
Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:56 pm
Hmmn... Can anyone explain how the trophies are awarded?
For about 30mins or so I qualified for the bronze trophy on the Attack of the Gummy Dice high score table. Will I get a trophy? Do I have to play again and be in 3rd place at midnight to get it?
Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:49 pm
Matrinka wrote:Hmmn... Can anyone explain how teh trophies are awarded?
For about 30mins or so I qualified for teh bronze trophy on teh Attack of teh Gummy Dice high score table. Will I get a trophy? Do I have to play again and be in 3rd place at midnight to get it?
Well everyone is talking about the reset mainly. The high score table resets at 11:50PM NST. After that you have until 12:50 AM NST to submit your 3 scores and hope that they're high enough to win a trophy. In addition if you're playing a short game and you haven't maxed your score submissions technically you can have 6 tries. But playing a game 3 times in 10 minutes (11:50-12:00) is rare except for a few games. It could give u the edge though for a few games.
On every other day of the month trophy are still awarded at 12:50 PM NST. It's just that towards the end of the month it's really hard to get a high score unless your really good. You need to be in the first 17 places at 12:50 PM NST time tonite if you expect to get a trophy. If the score is too high well it'll only escalate from here so you can try next month. Keep a mental note of what the scores are now so you know how high you have to score.
On a side note I got a Magax bronze trophy and Magma Blaster silver trophy! I was a little upset when I found out that the Magax review score has been removed or raised.

I had 4262 as opposed to 4292 because I thought I would go over the review score. Oh well... There's always next month. Does anyone know if there is a review score and is there a trick to getting more jubjubs?? I've never been able to get into the 4300's yet.
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