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23rd February News!

Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:51 pm

NEW GAME - Wingoball is quickly becoming a favourite all over Neopia... Who said that gnomes aren't competitive?

There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Money Tree Coin. 266 people guessed correctly, earning them 7,519 NP each.

Evil is lurking in the Garden Centre in the form of these adorable garden gnomes...

If you are a fan of Wingoball, this new Background is for you!

The latest Neohome Spotlight award has been given to ira_7700, proud owner of 237451 Market Square, Neopia Central.

Four new animated Wingoball pictures have been added to our Fun Images collection.

Congratulations go to Bamboo the Sandan, they have just won this week's Petpet Spotlight award.

This weekend's Caption Contest is here. Can you think of something witty to enter?

If your Neopet is feeling a little hungry today, why not treat them to a Wingoball-themed cookies from the Bakery?

Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:48 am

I like the new game, it's fun, but easy on the other hand. I managed to complete it on the second try. Still, it's fun, but what's with the plethora of new games they're releasing? They could just release more avatars. So many people are obviously crazy about them, yet they're not handing them out... why?!

Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:57 am

Where are the plot prizes?!?!?

Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:27 am

harrythemaster2 wrote:Where are the plot prizes?!?!?

Dancing in the eyes of the marketing department.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:09 am

Beat that game on my first try, way too easy. *grumble grumble*
fun though, i will give them that. just not hard enough.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:50 am

Pah, what we need is fewer new games (we've had what, four new games in the last ten days or so? Madness!) and more plot prizes.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:07 am

Actually, we need less "fun images" and more actual site content, be it avatars or plot prizes, period.

Neopets needs to hire less graphic artists and more content-creators.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:15 am

Ugh, I saw the exclamation point and I thought maybe prizes were released. But, alas, maybe tomorrow. :(

Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:04 am

just keep telling yourselves that... maybe tomorrow...

Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:42 am

heiligeglut wrote:Pah, what we need is fewer new games (we've had what, four new games in the last ten days or so? Madness!) and more plot prizes.

The irony in it all is that there are still MORE new games yet to be released (such as Bumble Bees or whatever is on the front page of PPT). :D

Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:33 am

I actually like this game... even if it is a bit too easy. But not too too easy. I like easy.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:13 am

This is random, but I only see three fun images, not four :P
Edit- And I completed the game in 3 tries.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:33 pm

Because of course that's what everyone was asking for - a new game and more fun images.
The game is fun, but I didn't even know it was coming. Plot prizes would be more appreciated. Besides, if I have nothing to do on Neopets apart from playing a game, I'm logging off and going to play Monkey Island.
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