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Wanted: A site that shows original pets before revamp...

Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:51 pm

TNT has slowly been going through and updating the looks of the Pets, and I have lost track of the changes. Is there a site where I can view the many updates of a pet's look over time? I've gone through the links from this site, and I tried a few of them, including, but there doesn't seem to be a working website that has what I'm looking for. Does anybody know of a site that has tracked the changes? Maybe even including a timeline of when each species was added and when the updates occurred or when new colours became available? Gosh, that'd be a nifty feature for some Neopets-related website... *shifty-eyes*

Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:28 pm

I have been looking for a good list as well...hmm..oddly enough, the only one I have found is zafara-only.

I'm sure there has to be atleast one out there, so I'll keep trying and let you know. :)

EDIT: ok, as soon as I posted that I couldn't find anything, I found one :) That was pretty much my plan from the start.

Anyway. This site seems to be at least semi-good. It stopped at a certain point, so I'm not sure it has all th redraws you'd be interested in.

Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:47 pm

Oh, that's a great start, varii! A website that tracks all the species like that would be really cool. I appreciate you helping me look.

Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:53 pm

jfkimberly wrote:Oh, that's a great start, varii! A website that tracks all the species like that would be really cool. I appreciate you helping me look.

Did you check the second site? Because besides the more recent species (I think they stopped with the Draik, and have any of the newer pets had an update?) they have pretty much every neopets from 03 back.

Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:19 pm

Thanks, varii! That site gave me what my friend was looking for. It's not well organized, and there are a lot of gaps in the information, but it at least answered her question. It would be fantastic if someone updated it, or continued where that site left off.

Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:15 am

Well, here is a link to Hrobi's page, she has a lot of those kinds of things:

Hope this is what you need :)

Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:43 am

That is great! But, back when I first started neopets I got a kougra and soon it got updated. I didn't see a picture of the old kougra does anyone have it?

Yes, I saw i but I don't remember it. :P

Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:00 am

Kittygurl, is this the old kougra that you're talking about?


Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:54 pm

I sort of miss the fiercer looking pets. I think that's one of the things I've felt dismayed about on Neopets, the fact that the choices for "fierceness" or "grossness" have become severely curbed.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:53 am

happytin wrote:I sort of miss the fiercer looking pets. I think that's one of the things I've felt dismayed about on Neopets, the fact that the choices for "fierceness" or "grossness" have become severely curbed.

I feel the same way. The pets are getting cute, fuzzly, and adorable now, and the "fierceness" and tough looks are gone. Now it seems that their target demographic has changed from about 10-15 or so to about 7-12 or so. And because of that, it seems the older players are probably leaving.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:12 pm

Man, I remember the Macy Gray! I've been playing way too long. I also remember having a Zafara that looks just like the first one there.

Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:18 pm

siouxper wrote:Well, here is a link to Hrobi's page, she has a lot of those kinds of things:

Hope this is what you need :)

Is that old Bruce for real? :roflol:

Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:41 pm

I can't believe how bad the art was until the most recent updates. I mean really. :roflol:

Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:27 am

Kenjiro wrote:
siouxper wrote:Well, here is a link to Hrobi's page, she has a lot of those kinds of things:

Hope this is what you need :)

Is that old Bruce for real? :roflol:

(The images are broken on that site right now) The man? Yes that was the old Bruce.
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