16th February
* Open your minds and prepare for the...
Shenkuu Lunar Festival
* Awwww, it seems a new Petpet called the Pygui has been discovered just in time for the Lunar Festival.
* Don't leave your shop out of the Festival celebrations, brighten it up with this new Shop Blog!
NEW GAME - What better way to celebrate at a festival than by playing a our new game Revel Roundup.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was
Caption Contest #553. 239 people guessed correctly, earning them
8,369 NP each.
* Try one of these new Fun Images on your Petpage!
* If you are facinated by the moon you might enjoy a visit to the Lunar Temple.
* There is a new Lunar Festival Background to brighten up your desktop.
* If you have a Shenkuu-themed Gallery or Shop you will love these new Shopkeepers.
* This week's Neohome Spotlight award goes to martysf, proud owner of
107873 Guild Street, Neopia Central.
* Today's Caption Contest is set in Shenkuu.
* The latest Petpet Spotlight award goes to Schnappi the Jowlard.
* The Toy Shop has four new Pygui-themed things for your Neopet to play with, including a toy drum and a puppet!