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Seeking Ideas For My Chef Pet's Color

Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:51 am

I'm hoping this'll be my last pet. Hoping. We'll see what happens in the near future.

So, this is Elzar as he currently stands:


An uneventful, almost nauseating Blue Chia. Currently he's my lab pet, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the lab will turn him Tomato or something, but in the likely event that said desire doesn't happen, I'm looking for color/species ideas that I could save towards.

Elzar is supposed to be a very uptight, dedicated cook. He prepares most of the meals for my other Neopets, and feels very underappreciated by his roommates. He's a bit like Bonju... except shorter and less psycotic. :P

I'd love to make him a food pet (although I should warn right now that the custard color is a huge turn-off for me), but sans a really expensive set of plot prizes or a FFQ, I don't see that happening for a few years. *grumbles about ridiculous chia pop prices*

I was wondering if you guys had any ideas.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:50 am

It sounds like you really want a food pet. If I were you, I'd save up or wait for that FFQ. (FFQ's can do food pets, right?)

Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:19 am

Good luck on the lab ray. I think He'd look best chocolate (If you ever get to choose) Im not a big chia fan though xD

Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:58 pm

I think for the personality you're going for, your Chia would look best as a Thornberry Chia. There's no estimated price on NeoItems, which means there are probably very few in existence, so you'd need to save up. Good luck deciding!


Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:20 pm

Oh.. so this is why you asked hwo much Chia Pops cost? ;)
I really don't know what you should do with it, as I've never had a chia. Don't lab him though, cause you might change his species. But I'd have to say Chokato out of all the produce Chias.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 7:21 pm

Changing his species wouldn't be the end of the world, though, because the trans potion for Chias is a buyable item. If I take my chances with the lab, I might get something for free (and even if I don't, the stat increases are arguably worth it). And yes, that is why I was asking for prices earlier. :battar:

Thanks for all of the input so far. Thornberry is one of the colors I'm considering, but there aren't any on the TP at the moment, so I have no idea how much they cost. I'm also looking at tomato, grape, carrot and pepper.... yikes, I'm going to be saving for a while.

I forgot to add this in my original post: El's got a zapped Darigan Snorkle on him right now, but when I eventually color him, I'd like to replace it with something that looks like... um... a Spice Weasel. :oops: I'm checking out petpetcentral in the meantime, but if you guys have any ideas off the top of your head, I'd love to hear them.

Incidentally, I blame this entire mess on everyone here flashing their Futurama sets at me. :P

And now I'm getting another horribly expensive idea:


It's not food, but the four arms thing matches the namesake AND would be useful for cooking.... Gah, I just sold my krawk trans potion, too. :thinking:

Don't mind me. I'm just rambling nonsense in my own thread.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:07 am

...Elzar as a neopet? That is quite possibly the most brilliant idea ever! :D

I think that the character would be most suited to being a Pepper Chia, of the food Chias. He's always knocking things up a notch. I like the mutant Krawk idea a lot, too.

The Pygui, the new petpet from today kind of reminds me of a spice weasel. It'll be a while before it comes down in price, but it's really cool.

I like the pink Hornsby for this, too.

The Peo has closer to the right body, though.

Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:07 am

*glances at pepper prices*

*glances at krawk trans prices*

Oooh! :x Why do I do this to myself?!

*uses money earned from selling last krawk trans to buy another krawk trans*

So, the four arms thing was too perfect to ignore. I'll keep zapping Elzar until he changes species; if he does, then I'll morph him. If he miraculously changes into a food pet, I'll keep the potion in my SDB while inflation takes over. :P

Thank you for the petpet suggestions, PuddingofEvil. The Pygui's high on my list (and if TNT comes out with a green or purple one, it'll be perfect ^_^ ).

EDIT: Well, speak of the devil....

Image (from JN)

Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:24 pm

I just gotta say that this is one of the best ideas for a pet I've ever seen. :lol: The Green Pyugi's gonna look cute with him too; if you hadn't settled on that, I would've made this gag suggestion:


Or some form of poultry:

They're no spice weasel, but...okay, I just thought they were funny.

Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:20 am

I think the mutant Krawk is perfect. more suited than I food Chia, in my opinion, because they don't really resemble Elzar... they don't have the 4 arms, heh. I also think the green Pygui would be a great choice of petpet.

Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:30 am

Rakumel wrote:If you hadn't settled on that, I would've made this gag suggestion:


I had completely forgotten about the mutant slorg. That'll be my next choice if the Pygui turns out to be too expensive (and then I'll name him Neptunian Slug, and bad things will become of him :roll:).

The Gobbler's cute, too. It looks like he's trying to run away from someone.... :P

Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:58 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:Incidentally, I blame this entire mess on everyone here flashing their Futurama sets at me. :P

Yeah! Futurama is the best show ever.

With the food, the Thornberry looks good, but I haven't seen Chokato yet.

Go bug TNT for a Chef Chia, and make it look like Elzar with an apron. Maybe, just maybe they'll listen.
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