For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 4:38 am
As of yesterday, the Tombstone Squeeze Toy was around 4.5K NP. It was then falsely inflated to 6-10 million NP. The price has now dropped to 100K-500K now, but any of them priced that high are
still a scam. Just a warning...I don't want anyone getting cheated out of hard-earned NP.
If you're looking for one of these, my suggestion is to wait and hope for the price to drop.

Good luck!
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:00 am
I can't stand it, when people do that.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:13 am
I've always wondered how exactly people can do that. Like, how can they buy every single item in order to inflate the price? Or do they only pick rare items?...but then why aren't they more expensive already in the first place?
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:16 am
I don't think they buy every single item. Sometimes they get a group of people to buy a bunch of them (not all) and put 'em up for way more than they're worth. Or they buy a few and put 'em up for a lot and other people start thinking that they're selling their's for too low so they start pricing their's higher.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:21 am
That sounds about right. It could be a bunch of friends like you said, thinking they can buy a few of a certain item, and jack the prices up for a quick sale. And once others see the prices, buy the items, and then get very discouraged when they have to sell the item for waaay less than the paid for it.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:58 am
That's against the rules. Those people should be frozen.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:01 am
Agreed. But I think most of them have been reported. A friend of mine on Charter caught it and started reporting people and put up one of his own Tombstone toys to warn people that it was falsely inflated.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:05 am
I have seen this before--especially with plushies and with rarity 101 items (like Hubrid Nox badges). I have even taken it upon myself, a few times, to put one of the items up on the TP with a warning that the price has been inflated. And I always report these people. It really ticks me off because they seem to love to do it with rarity 88-90 plushies. And some people just don't deal with items often enough to know how rarity affects price. No toy or plushie that is rarity 93 or less should ever be unbuyable. And in the millions? Maybe a few rarity 98's. And 99's for sure. But the rest of them, no way.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:44 am
What does the squeeze toy even do? Anything? Besides being only a toy.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:59 am
Tombstone Squeeze Toy r101
Category: Toy
Description: If you close your eyes the squeek almost sounds like a scream. This was given out from a Haunted Woods TCG prize code.
Status: Active
Estimated Price: 5,985 NP
So I'm thinking it's just a toy.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:21 am
Actually, it's legal for a single person to do this, but a group "pump and dump," as sirhatter called it, is illegal. What sucks is that once the people are frozen, the items are still gone, so it has the same effect on the item's price.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 1:18 pm
TNT will freeze people with the same IP address, but not freeze them for something like this....its ridiculous, and honestly, since the company was bought, they stopped caring. At least thats how I see it.
Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:34 pm
I'm collecting Anubis items and made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of average prices using the SSW. So then if I see a good deal, I can snipe it. The last weeks of December, I had the White Anubis Plushie marked in the 25k-49k range in my list. I watched it go up, and up, and up. I thought it was because of Christmas, but I saw someone asking for 3mil for it!
They've come down to around 100k-300k, but I refuse to pay that much for the stupid thing that used to be buyable. I hate false inflation
Edit: Fixed typos
Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:28 pm
WolfMaiden wrote:TNT will freeze people with the same IP address, but not freeze them for something like this....its ridiculous, and honestly, since the company was bought, they stopped caring. At least thats how I see it.
Actually TNT will freeze anyone using the method of 'False Inflation' - but as most things on the site, it is up to us to report them, when we see it happening.
I know TNT seem to have 'eyes' everywhere, but unless they actually know something is happening, how can they stop it?
Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:57 am
There is a trade that says the tombstone toy was in the hundred thousands+ range until people started lowering the price. Then once the "problem" were all bought the prices went back to their original range.
But I didn't even know there was a tombstone toy until I read this chat.
I do hate inflation but sudden lowerings aren't very nice either. There is a scam with that squeezy tombola guy toy too (hidden tower) People are selling the tombola guy keyring in the millions on the trades claiming its the squeeze toy.
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