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Actual videoes of games, instead of words.

Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:41 pm

So ive always been looking for videos of games, wanting to see how people got their highscores, but theres very few. So I just recently downloaded a video maker and thought to record some for other people.

So the first I decided to make was of Kreludan Mining Corp. If you can imagine it takes a while... I have recorded up to mission 3-3(the one with the impossibly thin tunnels leading to the 4 gems you need for max score) and have uploaded up to mission 3-2.

Ill do other games after this one. Im thinking about doing volcano run next, but that's long and files can only be 100MB, so ill probably just record the last 2/3's of it.

Theres the videos of Kreludan Mining Corp

So there they are... if you want me to tell you where to get the video maker(it's really simple, took my a second to learn and then record) you can make some too and we can all get trophies.

btw: whats the exact time the highscores reset, I want to get some trophies =D, and also, can you get a score before the high scores reset, and then send them right after they do?

Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:06 am

Do you have the link to the video editor? I'd like to try it out :)

Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:09 am

Yeah sure.

So all you need to do is have the game window open and then you click "select window" and click on the game window. Click start record then play. I have to check the "Leave HyperCam Window Opened" because it glitches when I minimize.

Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:24 am

For anyones benefit, theres a nice list of game videos here too:
I'd love to watch and record some of my own, but its rough on slow connections.

Im not sure when the score reset is exactly. If Im trying for a trophy, I'll check out the tables around 1am, and if they're low, I go for it. Sometimes if you start a game before midnight and send score after, it won't go through, which is really annoying.

Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:43 am

Cerise wrote:For anyones benefit, theres a nice list of game videos here too:
I'd love to watch and record some of my own, but its rough on slow connections.

Im not sure when the score reset is exactly. If Im trying for a trophy, I'll check out the tables around 1am, and if they're low, I go for it. Sometimes if you start a game before midnight and send score after, it won't go through, which is really annoying.

Yeah, those are like the only videos i've ever really seen, other than a old volcano run.

Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:03 pm

It's been a few month, but I've made a lot of changes and additions to this page:)

If anyone has any games they'd like to know more about, I'll add it to my to-do/to find list :)

Just added Feed Florg

Runeedit: Please don't tripe post. If you have anything additional to add, please use the "edit" button to add in rather than posting a new message.

Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:43 am

Haha watching that Kreludan Mining Corp one was giving me a heart attack. It's the only game I'd ever have a shot at a trophy for (but staying up until 2-3 in the morning just ain't my thang), but you go a lot faster than I do when I play. I kept freaking out as if I was playing it like "whoa.. whoa WHOA WHOAWOAH TOO FAST TOO FAST LOSE CONTROLLLLLL!!" :oops: I am a dork.

Pretty neat though.

Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:51 am

Hey niiiice! Make sure you send them into PPT so I can start a video section on the games.
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