For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:34 pm
Anyone else having trouble buying from the main neopian shops? I can't get a haggle screen to load at all, and if I refresh (seeing nothing has been bought) it takes forever to load.
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:35 pm
I'm having problems loading everything.
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:36 pm
I think the whole site is lagging..its sooo lagggy
im in the choc shop and cant do anything
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:42 pm
Everything seems to be laggy for me. I was just looking at the av board and nothings loading.
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:43 pm
If the shops are laggy, but other areas of the site aren't, theres a high probability that there are ABers in the shop, because they get priority from the servers.
However, this lag is probably just because they may have taken a couple of servers offline, for whatever reason.
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:47 pm
I think the neoboards are down too.
- Code:
ERROR : Couldn't add the message in process_msgboard.phtml - INSERT INTO neoboard_replies (neoboard_boards_id, topic_id, creator, created, lang, message, avatar, user_neotitle) VALUES ( '21', '30880241', 'starryeyed502', '1090161809', 'en', '-neoHTML code was here-', '126', 'Logic has no place here...')
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:50 pm
Yea, I'm might as well give up trying to restock! It seems to be the main shops for me! I have been trying to buy something for forever now and I can get to the haggle screen but then it comes up Page Not Found!
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:51 pm
Definitely lagging. And I tried to send a game score, it said the servers wouldn't allow it or something.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: It's a weekend on Neopets. We need to get used to it. lol
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:52 pm
I think everything's super laggy. My friend who uses my computer to play was on the site a little while ago and gave up pretty quickly. She said she was playing a game. First score went through, then when she tried to get the second game to send a score, she got an error message and showed it to me.
"Sorry, our servers are experiencing problems and we cannot accept your score right now" is what it said (I wrote it down).
I suggested she go to the game board and just see if anybody else was having a problem. She couldn't even get the board to load. So she just logged out.
I haven't even logged in today, so I can only go by what she said and that error message and still watching, seeing that she couldn't get to the board.
Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:52 pm
It takes forever to load. At first i thought it was my comp.
It displays a "The page cannot be displayed". Seems like no one can buy and the shops just restock themselves.Oh well....
Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:04 pm
Something I am noticing about the main shops. The DO restock and the high dollar items are being bought. I am thinking that the AB's are working in the main shops for some reason but us "real" folk can't buy anything! LOL Don't seem right!
Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:11 pm
1lewysgal wrote:Something I am noticing about the main shops. The DO restock and the high dollar items are being bought. I am thinking that the AB's are working in the main shops for some reason but us "real" folk can't buy anything! LOL Don't seem right!
From my (still limited) understanding of how these ab programs work, don't they just search for things in a price range, or rarity or if a person can (how?) type in what they want to buy? If so, that would explain how things are being bought when "real" folk can't even get a page to load. It would also seem to confirm that there truly are ab'ers back, new code or not.
Kicks rotten people who come up with these program things and kicks lazy, greedy idiots who use them
Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:13 pm
yeah...i'm in the reg foods shop and there WAS 19 purple neggs and i somehow got to the haggle screen and they're all GONE
Sun Jul 18, 2004 3:14 pm
everconfused wrote:1lewysgal wrote:Something I am noticing about the main shops. The DO restock and the high dollar items are being bought. I am thinking that the AB's are working in the main shops for some reason but us "real" folk can't buy anything! LOL Don't seem right!
From my (still limited) understanding of how these ab programs work, don't they just search for things in a price range, or rarity or if a person can (how?) type in what they want to buy? If so, that would explain how things are being bought when "real" folk can't even get a page to load. It would also seem to confirm that there truly are ab'ers back, new code or not.
Kicks rotten people who come up with these program things and kicks lazy, greedy idiots who use them
I think we can already confirm AB's are back.
Things have never been flying out of the bakery like they have the past couple of days. At the start of a restock, something good with 3 in stock. I quickly click on it, gone. Not even haggle.
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