For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:14 am
I signed up for Neopets Premium about 3 months ago, give or take.
Now, while I like the features, and I'm in love with the SSW (I don't know how I lived with the normal wiz...), I also have a bit of a problem with paying $11 a month for this service - the amount of glitches that Neo has been getting lately.
In particular, the one that happened a couple of days ago, when quickref/userlookups wouldn't load (neither would half the site), and a bunch of things such as petpets, stocks, and avs went missing.
While, like I said, I do like the service, I'm trying to do decide if it's worth my time when the site is so glitchy like this. So, for those of you who have Premium, or who just play often enough, what would you do in this situation? Cancel? Or keep going?
Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:19 am
I don't have premium, but this is one of the main reasons I never wanted to try it (that and cookie grabbers: why pay for something that could potentially turn around, bite me in the butt, and (once again, potentially) then take my card number?). The benefits that come with being a premium member just don't outweigh the numerous problems with the site for me. I think the only reason I'm still on Neo is because I know I really have nothing to lose by staying with a free site.
So, if it were me, I'd cancel unless TNT plans on compensating you for the downtime in some fashion.
Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:31 am
I wish Neo was like LiveJournal. On LJ, if the site's down for a day, they generally tend to give the paid users a free week of paid time for compensation. Admittedly, LJ has a few problems (like springing new update pages on users without testing them out >_>) but on the whole, they're pretty good at compensating.
Eh. I'm still not sure what I'm gonna do. But if I'm gonna cancel, I have about a week before my next payment kicks in *ponder*
Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:08 am
If theres something better to spend your money on, I'd cancel. I had premium as a gift, so it didnt hurt my wallet or make me too mad when Neo glitched. But I dont think I'd put my own money towards it, especially if its getting to be a little too expensive, and less worth it.
I canceled premium when I realized they were double-charging my aunts credit card (no compensation for that either x_x), and it was tough for a little while not having SSW, but Im well over it now. When premium gets better customer service, and Neopets gets better at running the site, I'd consider trying it out again.
Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:51 am
Yes I would
As Cerise said, if you have better things to spend $11/month on, I would definitely cancel.
And I can live perfectly fine with the normal wiz if it showed me a Bottled Dark Faerie at 200np
Good luck making a decision!
Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:12 pm
Personally, I wouldn't cancel because..
1. It was a gift so I have a solid 12 months left on it (brand-new to premium)
2. Neopets is glitchy a lot of the time, and a lot of the time TNT either fixes it in short order or the site works properly again.
3. I really haven't been that careful about going to people's shops and user lookups and I haven't been grabbed yet *knocks wood* So I really don't think it's as big as everyone thinks it is.
4. I can't live without my SSW. When I use him too much and he gets tired I almost don't know what to do for the 20 minutes he needs a rest.
I think in this one situation the good outweighs the bad.
Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:44 pm
I would say no. I have premium and love it. It makes Neopets a lot more fun for me personally. No ads, SSW, beta testing, and other stuff. Personally, I would not give it up, but only you can decide if it is worth your money.
Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:10 pm
Think,when neo glitches and premium members report it,it gets fixed faster.I couldn't live without premium.
Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:43 pm
Thanks for the advice, guys. I think I'm going to stick it out for now, but if it's getting bad again constantly, I may rethink the decision
Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:38 pm
I absolutely can't live without Premium.
Also, how are you paying 11/mo? Do you live in a country other than the US?
Still, if you are able at all to pay the once-annual thing instead of monthly, you will actually save yourself about 25% on the cost. Perhaps that would help a bit.
As to the glitchiness... honestly, I don't feel it's as big of a deal as most people do, so it rolls off my back and I'd be less likely to quit than many people. It's a big site, lag and glitches are part of life anywhere you go.
Tue Jan 09, 2007 3:00 am
Yeah, I'm in Australia. With the exchange rate, it's roughly $11 a month, give or take.
I understand there's bound to be glitches, but the huge glitches on the site last week (when you couldn't even load quickref or userlookups, and a lot of data just went *poof*) were rather annoying.
I'd like to pay annually and save money, but as I'm also saving to move next week for uni it's not an option at the moment
Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:27 pm
I'm thinking of cancelling, because I honestly am not using the premium features lately. Yeah, it's nice not to have ads, but I don't think it's worth what I'm paying. The glitches have just been the icing on the cake for me. I'm in the same boat as you: needing to save for college, and this is a place where it's pretty easy for me to cut back.
If you use the paid features a lot and enjoy them, I'd keep it for another month or so and see how I feel then. If not, save your money. Free Neopets features are still awesome.
Sun Jan 28, 2007 8:56 pm
I say, don't cancel. Despite all the glitches premium still remains, for me at least, value for money. It costs me as much as my morning coffee and danish each month so the cost isn't a hassle for me.
Plus: I really love the SSW
Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:16 pm
Well, it really depends on what your priorities are. If you are going to college then you may want to consider cancelling because college is very expensive, and you may get a lot of assignments, homework and projects and may not play a lot of Neopets. But if you can pay for college and still have a bit of time for Neopets then you should keep it. If it is glitchy and doesn't work too well, then you should cancel because you'll be saving that much more money for college and for some real life things. But, as I said at the top, it really depends on what your priorities are.
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