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Re: PPT Top Pet Rankings (Split #1)

Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:32 am


shapu wrote:Below are the score rankings for pets owned by Pink Poogle Toy members.


71 Cameron_Kirsten (remybuxaplentyfan) --------------------------101
72 ???????????? (beastkw) --------------- 85
73 RunRedRaw [Desert Petri] (datrulegend) ---------------83
74 Danelle_7363(DM was on fire!)-------------------------66
75 Kenkyuudaimoku [Darigan Moehog] (ArwenEarendil)--------------53
76 ?????????? (Officer 1BD1) ----------------52

Holy... I'm on a Battledome list? Sweetness. :D

My pet's name is R0muluss, by the way. :) He's a Tyrannian Lupe, and his current score is 80.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:08 am

I would like to add two pets to the list, just for comparison sakes.

First pet is Shenannia, a green Zafara who will get painted one of these days. She has a score of 205.

Second pet is actually used more in fighting. He's currently a mutant Jetsam with a score of 178.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:46 am

67 BobberAnne69 (hallucinating) ------------------------ 148

He's an Island Elephante, and he's now advanced to 157 :)

Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:51 am

Sweet! I'm right above Cranberry, the BD expert :D
Furthermore, I'm in the top 20! :D Probably not gonna be for long though...

Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:49 am

Tch...when was I added to the list? I thought I was taken off. XD

Anyways, I'm not a BDer anymore, but my pet is growing still.
Current rating is 2176
My pet is Calander and he's a Faerie and forever.

My pet's stats just aren't the same since I quit lab over a year ago. =/

Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:05 am

843 wrote:Sweet! I'm right above Cranberry, the BD expert :D
Furthermore, I'm in the top 20! :D Probably not gonna be for long though...

Haha, I'm hardly an expert! But thanks. :)

I'm currently doing CRAZY TRAINING (defence 43-200, and then raising other stuff to 250), so my rating will soon go up a lot, finally. I was so tired of other pets with my strength boost (or lower boosts) having much higher ratings than me because my defence sucked.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:40 am

New pets:


Owner: ira_7700

:D :D

Fri Apr 28, 2006 12:32 pm

ira_7700 wrote:New pets:


Owner: ira_7700

:D :D

Amazing! 4 pets and each of them has around the same rating as my lone pet :o

And Cranberry, I'm lucky that my pet is now a lab pet, otherwise I would have been behind you by about 10 points. Yours isn't, since you can't bear to sacrifice your Tyrannian pet :P

Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:31 pm

#31 Arogance1 (Mutant Shoyru) was 422 now 428

Do you realise some of your numbers are wrong?
#8 needs moving up to #7
#52 needs moving up to #45
#53 needs moving up to #48

Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:42 pm

#40 (The_one_1127)

Is now 395, and has changed appearance and will continue to, so I suggest taking the Royalboy Zafara bit off. ^^


Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:13 pm

arogance1 wrote:UPDATE:
#31 Arogance1 (Mutant Shoyru) was 422 now 428

Do you realise some of your numbers are wrong?
#8 needs moving up to #7
#52 needs moving up to #45
#53 needs moving up to #48

Arrrr, Cleave me to the brisket! Countin' never were me best subject in school. I was gangbusters at knife-throwin' though, aye.

The list has been updated, yarrrr.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:31 pm

Jett31337 the Blue Kacheek is at 808 now.

Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:15 pm

Tis time I contributed my pet to the list. Hehe

The pet be named Oompky (Green Kacheek) with:
200 HP. 131 STR. 98 DEF = 429 pts

Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:45 pm

ScottNak wrote:Tis time I contributed my pet to the list. Hehe

The pet be named Oompky (Green Kacheek) with:
200 HP. 131 STR. 98 DEF = 429 pts

Darn you for knocking me down a place :x

Fri Apr 28, 2006 9:15 pm

What? i totally entered my pet a while back. oh well, here it is, new, and better than ever!

90str, 47def, 120hp = 257 total
it's a striped elephante, and it's defence will increase for the next little while
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