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What should I do with Drats?

Morph him Wocky, paint him Darigan, and give him a new petpet.
Are you MAD? Keep him as he is!
Nonono, you've got it all wrong. You should ____.
Total votes : 22

Should I Change My Pet?

Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:13 am

If you've seen the Unreleased thread lately, you know that one of the new Wocky colors coming up is the Darigan Wocky.

Despite what some of the others have said, I absolutely adore this Wocky. I came ridiculously close to creating a Wocky tonight just so I could paint him Darigan, but then I remembered that I really don't want more than seven pets right now. Which brings me to this:

One of my current pets, "Drats," is an Island Cybunny. I did not paint him Island: I adopted him on Cybunny Day and immediately began zapping him for the robot color, only to get this instead. He's been Island for virtually all of his life. He's also had the same petpet attached to him for, once again, much of his life. They make quite a pair.


He's supposed to be a pompous, selfish, stubborn little snit who wants nothing more than to be pampered and get what he wants. For story purposes, most of my other Neopets tend to avoid him because he's just so condescending and annoying. He has a conscience... somewhere... but it's really hard to find.

Island is a nice look for him, but I think he'd look just as good as an overzealous Darigan Wocky:

ImageImage (alternative: Image)

I'm still not sure I want to change his color, but I was wondering what you guys thought, especially about how well the color(s) fit his personality.
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:37 am

Morph him into a Wocky

Paint him Darigan

And get him a new petpet

Good luck :)

Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:12 am

Voted for "Nonono......".

Few choices of his future, yeah. Personality-wise.
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
Darigan Moehog, Darigan Ixi, Darigan Wocky, Ghost Cybunny, Ghost Jetsam, Halloween Cybunny, Halloween Jetsam, Halloween Kyrii, Mutant Bori, Mutant Grundo, Mutant Ixi, Mutant Skeith, Tyrannian Acara, Tyrannian Techo.

Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:34 am

I say go for the Darigan Wocky! Island Cybunny is cool for that personality, but I think the Darigan Wocky is even better, and it looks so awesome! And I think the name Drats fits perfectly for that Wocky.

Although I'd be really hesitant to morph a LE pet, well, because it's LE! (especially a Cybunny, since I want one), still that Wocky would be awesome, and go perfectly with that personality and name.

Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:37 pm

My personal preference: I like the Island Cybunny, especially the look in his eye. I think it fits the pets personality. But I'm not much of a Darigan person, so take this with a grain of salt.

Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:33 pm

The Darigan Wocky is just too droolworthy. <3

Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:47 pm

I think that his personality is more stereotypically Cybunny than Wocky, but it could definitely work.

At any rate, I support anything that means that there are more Darigan Wockies in the world. Go for it!

Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:10 am

Go for it. Change is good. =)

Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:34 pm

Thanks for your input, everyone. :) I think I'm going to hold off on changing Drats for now; the miser in me demands it. :P I didn't realize Wocky morphing potions were going for so much right now....

I want to finish my other pets first, and after I've painted Moko and Vo (and that 8th pet I'm kind of working on), I might come back to this idea.

Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:46 pm

Why not create a new neopet or better yet, adopt one from the pound and morph it and paint it into a Darigan Wocky? You get the best of both worlds that way :]

Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:58 pm

I came ridiculously close to creating a Wocky tonight just so I could paint him Darigan, but then I remembered that I really don't want more than seven pets right now.

Well, I actually have 8 now, but new girl's going to be my reptilian LE pet....

*Warning: Mini Rant Ahead*

I took a "break" from Neopets a couple of months ago because I was getting too frusterated with the game. I hopped over to another pet site and started off with a single pet. I fed all of my resources into her: coloring her, giving her a sidekick, training her up and raising her intelligence, so forth. And I realized something: the pet site game was a LOT more fun when I wasn't scrambling to serve the needs of a dozen pets.

So when I came back to Neo, I abandoned a bunch of my pets and stuck with the seven who were most heavily involved in the strange canon my mind's throwing together. I actually abandoned Drats last (since I'd not paid to make him either Cybunny or Island), then spontaneously changed my mind and snatched him right back from the pound (and I'm STILL amazed that no one beat me to that).

I don't want more pets than I can handle just for the sake of having pretty, expensive trophy pet, which is why I ended up not creating that Wocky last week. The only reason I created Si* (pet #8 ) was because... well... I'm not really sure why I created her. To claim her name while I save up for the potion, I suppose, since I know I'm going to end up with that pet at some distant point in my Neopets career. :roll:

* I don't know why I'm bothering to add this in. If you ever come across my account and notice I don't have a pet named Si, it's because I abandoned her and created "Me" on Christmas day to take her place.
Last edited by Officer 1BDI on Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:29 pm

So then yeah, I guess morph and paint Drats lol Sorry about that

Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:29 pm

Oh, that's ok. I didn't mean to be so curt yesterday (so, erm, I'm sorry about that :oops: ); finals = major stress.

Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:03 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:Oh, that's ok. I didn't mean to be so curt yesterday (so, erm, I'm sorry about that :oops: ); finals = major stress.

Totally hear ya on that one. I should be writing my 20pg paper that's due Monday...but I'm trying to finish NQII in Normal mode instead :oops:

I love the Darigan Wocky too, and I'm considering painted my own Wocky that color. So uh, my biased opinion is to go for it :) Sometime in the future, of course.

Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:14 am

thelilbear wrote:My personal preference: I like the Island Cybunny, especially the look in his eye. I think it fits the pets personality. But I'm not much of a Darigan person, so take this with a grain of salt.

What she said. I think the Island Cybunny thing just.. goes. And the petpet is super cute with him.
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