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The Crabby?

Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:05 pm

Attached to my Jubjub, I have a Crabby. It was the very first petpet I got years n years ago, so today I decided to see how much it was worth now. The only problem is that it's not to be found. Is this one of the petpets that was renamed? If a petpet was renamed, and it wins the PPL under its new name, will I receive NPs?

Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:21 pm

You mean..this one?

I've been around on Neopets for years and I've never seen or even heard of a PetPet called Crabby.

Prolly is one of those older ones that get turned into a newer one if you take them away from your pet. But I'm not too sure. o.o

EDIT: And, I think I read somewhere that the older retired ones (Like the Fat's the only one I can remember at the time..) won't get PPL prizes. But don't quote me on that. o_o

Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:34 pm

Yes, that is the Crabby. I guess my Jubjub should be proud of herself for having such a rare petpet!

I know that when I first got it, the Crabby was in a round fish bowl/aquarium... Was it redrawn, then renamed and redrawn again?

Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:27 pm


Personally I'd keep it attached as it's such a cool, old petpet.

But I think one of the NT editorials said that if you detached a petpet that has been since renamed, it'll return to your inventory in its new form.

However, don't trust me on that ;)

Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:48 pm

Yeah, it WILL turn into a newer petpet if you detach. I had one of the old Marqua ones and it turned into a Primela.

Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:37 pm

I wonder what crabby will turn into if detached ?

Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:14 pm

I dunno... I looked for it on NeoItems, and it didn't say anything about it being one of the properly retired items.

And it seems to be on the trading post too?

Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:25 pm

Note to self : next time check the TP.

Sorry guys, I only checked the SW and when I didn't find it I figured it didn't exist... I remember it was only maybe 5000 NP and quite common when I first got it so I never thought that it could be worth that much now (but it seems to be worth 300K!).

My apologies.

Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:42 pm

I don't think that the Crabby changes to anything new if it is unequipped. I think it is only a retired petpet, meaning it's not sold in any shops anymore, which is why the price tag is 300K or so.
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