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Lenny Conundrum 192

Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:46 am

Some new cookies started appearing in The Bakery very recently. These cookies are in the shape of different letters of the alphabet. The Breadmaster started laying the cookies out to cool, and you observed the letters as he laid them out in this order:

What will be the next three letters he lays out to cool?

My answer's surprisingly like <i>here</i>....:P

Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:52 am

I've absolutely NO idea what it's all about. I can't see a pattern at all.

Re: Lenny Conundrum 192

Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:13 am

Jerch wrote:
My answer's surprisingly like <i>here</i>....:P

Heh, took me a little while to figure out what you meant even though I already knew the answer. :P

Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:39 pm

Once again, this is another LC that proves that I can't think :(

Sun Nov 19, 2006 5:56 am

I just got a chance to look at this one for the first time, so I know I'm out for the top 250, but I can't make heads nor tails of this one. I figure it might be the first letter of things listed on the site, but it's not months or pet popularity; I don't think it's the worlds... And the "here" comment isn't jogging my mind, either. I guess I'll sleep on it and see if my subconscious can get it...

Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:27 pm

I can't think of anything. WAIT!!! THEY'RE SUBLIMINALLY ADVERTISING :o :o :o LOOK!
The Breadmaster started laying the cookies out to cool, and you observed the letters as he laid them out in this order:

What will be the next three letters he lays out to cool?

Okay, but seriously, I got nothing. I'll look a little more. If I come up with it and I have a good hint I'll tell you.

Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:51 pm

I (suprisingly) found it quite helpful to put the problem in context... and envisioned the letters as cookies. =P

Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:20 am

I just went to take a final stab at this before judging started at some point tomorrow, but they've already judged it! :x So not fair! I guess they did it early before the holiday, but why don't they say when the competition's going to end so we don't have to guess (or assume based on weeks and weeks and weeks of experience)? Sorry, it just killed my longest winning streak for the LC. Anyway, no sense wasting more time figuring it out. Anyone care to share the answer?

*grumbles* Stupid term papers and grad school keeping me from Neo for 2 weeks in the middle of a plot and the LC... {but at least I've got my priorities straight; I kind of wondered what I'd do in the situation, but it was a no-brainer -- but I'd better get my starving pets in the lodge...}

Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:18 am

And the answer was ptp! Which is quite close to ppt, here. :P

Write out the letters in a 3x3 grid:

h a p p y
b i r t h d a y
n e o p e t s

I figured this one out by envisioning these cookies being placed on a cookie tray to cool, and then realized that they spelled something when in a grid. :P

Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:37 pm

lemonberri wrote:And the answer was ptp! Which is quite close to ppt, here. :P

Write out the letters in a 3x3 grid:

h a p p y
b i r t h d a y
n e o p e t s

I figured this one out by envisioning these cookies being placed on a cookie tray to cool, and then realized that they spelled something when in a grid. :P

OMG! julius caeser's box! i should've realised! *if you dont get what im talking about, ive been reading too much Digital Fortress*

Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:31 pm

Aw shucks. I didn't really feel like figuring it out, so I guessed ppt. So close.
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