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The Gypsy Camp - Non Flash Version

Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:55 am

I have quite a few friends that do not have flash and / or are on dialup.

I am documenting the plot for non flash people.

Hope this of use to those that wish to follow the plot but have issues with flash/dialup.

(I tried to add this to the Gypsy Camp - New plot thread but it was locked)


Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:13 am

Thankyou. Even though I don't need it, it is nice to know it is available.

The new Gypsy Camp thread is now called Haunted Woods Plot Discussion (Split #1) for anyone wondering. :)

Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:08 pm

Good job...I'm sure many people will appreciate it! :)

Perhaps the mods can add your link to the top of every new plot thread; I think it would be very helpful.

Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:06 pm

angisfab wrote:Good job...I'm sure many people will appreciate it! :)

Perhaps the mods can add your link to the top of every new plot thread; I think it would be very helpful.

Daze pointed me to the right thread for the plot. I've posted the link there.

That would be cool if the mods did that! :D

Thanks for the support


Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:11 pm

I'm gonna lock this because it does belong with all the other discussion regarding the plot. However, I will include the link in the main post because of its usefullness :)
Topic locked