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2nd October news

Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:00 am

2nd October

* Wandering through the Haunted Woods is never advised, even in daylight, but if you happen upon a gypsy Elephante during your travels, rest a while and listen as he tells the Tale of Woe.

* A new Kacheek Seek is available for your Neopet to hide in. We're told it's quite spooky so be sure your Neopet is not scared of the dark...

* Monsters are scary, babies are cute.
Some Poems don't rhyme, but many are cute.

* Mmm... candy. Hopefully you like the new ones being sold at Kiko Lake Treats will satisfy your sweet tooth.

* jimbo_giant and her owner, potatoes_on_toast, should be proud of themselves. Mayday, Mayday: Your Guide to Your Insane Owner has just won the Site Spotlight! Well done.

* Adorn your desktop with thsi new autumn-themed Screensaver.

* Everyone give ragin2340 a pat on the back. His level, Twists and Turns, has earned him the Minigolf Spotlight.

* The Meerca Brothers seem to be climbing into some mischief in the latest Caption Contest.

* A new Story Telling Competion has just begun!

"You won't be seeing him again," said a quiet, commanding voice. Torchlight suddenly flared around the Lupe as a knight in red and blue stepped forward. The Darigan soldiers gathered into a tighter circle as Meridellian archers sprang out of the bushes and surrounded them.

* And the Pet Spotlight goes to... psychic_wave and Seranotah! Please keep your speech confined to no more than 15 seconds.

* Move Kuchipatchi back and forth to prevent Mametchi from falling in our latest sponsor game Gotchi-Bounce.
Last edited by polomoche on Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:03 am

Checked out the news and wondered to the gypsy .. here's what I got

"The Gypsy Camp

This strange, spooky gypsy camp looms out of the forest before you.

A mustachioed Elephante beckons you over to his wagon...

"It's dangerous to get lost in these woods," he says. "Trees and creatures roam the night, and they can swallow the unwary. It's no accident that so many legends and myths surround this place; in fact, I was reading about one just now. Would you like to hear about it?"

And ladies and gentlemen ... we have .. A TALE OF WOE

2 WORDS: Very interesting!

Oooo we have Neovia!

Ooo That potion is baaaad news!

Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:46 am

a new plot? in the haunted woods? Oh god I love it!

Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:03 am

phweee! is it the new plot? yea yea yea? plootttttt! ^_^

Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:15 am

Whats the gypsy link?I can't get there.

Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:15 am

kcharles wrote:Whats the gypsy link?I can't get there.
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