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This might not been anything anymore but still:

Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:50 pm

Haven't been on this forum or neopets for about a year, no-one'll remember me, they might remember my blinking pile of dung avatar though... :D

Yeah, there is a point to all this. I am currently doing work experience for a journalist who publishes lists of the wealth of rich Britons. One of the many pieces of paper work that I had to sort through was an email from a certain Adam Powell, or should I say Borovan? ;)

He was wanting to know whether his fortune was high enough for him to be included in a list and I can proudly tell you that in 2001 his shares in Neopets were worth about £3.4 million, that is $5.6 million, if he kept them, I wonder how much that would be now with the increasing size of the site?

He does still work for neopets right? I'm not just rambling on here I hope...

Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:55 pm

He still works for them. I'm not sure how many shares he still holds though. Any techie people know an easy way to find that out?

Re: This might not been anything anymore but still:

Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:55 pm

woscafrench wrote:Haven't been on this forum or neopets for about a year, no-one'll remember me, they might remember my blinking pile of dung avatar though... :D

Yeah, there is a point to all this. I am currently doing work experience for a journalist who publishes lists of the wealth of rich Britons. One of the many pieces of paper work that I had to sort through was an email from a certain Adam Powell, or should I say Borovan? ;)

He was wanting to know whether his fortune was high enough for him to be included in a list and I can proudly tell you that in 2001 his shares in Neopets were worth about £3.4 million, that is $5.6 million, if he kept them, I wonder how much that would be now with the increasing size of the site?

He does still work for neopets right? I'm not just rambling on here I hope...

I heard from a friend that he isn't in fact working for neopets anymore, he just retains administrative rights. He should have kept his shares. He would have stopped Neopets from going into the ground.

Examples of curruption:
-Neopets portal: Pay for it and you get better random events
-Random freezing

I can't think of any more that are on the top of my mind, but i'm sure they're there.

Re: This might not been anything anymore but still:

Fri Jul 16, 2004 4:49 am

digi2124 wrote:
woscafrench wrote:Haven't been on this forum or neopets for about a year, no-one'll remember me, they might remember my blinking pile of dung avatar though... :D

Yeah, there is a point to all this. I am currently doing work experience for a journalist who publishes lists of the wealth of rich Britons. One of the many pieces of paper work that I had to sort through was an email from a certain Adam Powell, or should I say Borovan? ;)

He was wanting to know whether his fortune was high enough for him to be included in a list and I can proudly tell you that in 2001 his shares in Neopets were worth about £3.4 million, that is $5.6 million, if he kept them, I wonder how much that would be now with the increasing size of the site?

He does still work for neopets right? I'm not just rambling on here I hope...

I heard from a friend that he isn't in fact working for neopets anymore, he just retains administrative rights. He should have kept his shares. He would have stopped Neopets from going into the ground.

Examples of curruption:
-Neopets portal: Pay for it and you get better random events
-Random freezing

I can't think of any more that are on the top of my mind, but i'm sure they're there.

He is still listed as Founder, Donna is listed as Co-Founder. They do both post occasionally on the site as well as forums and are the faces of Neopets, like with the upcoming mall tour. So I think he does still work for the company. He just doesn't (and hasn't for quite some time) own it.

Keeping his shares - well who knows whether he still does or not unless he personally tells you, I don't think would have stopped anything unless he held (or holds) the majority of stock. I do think things have started snowballing out of control -- an avalanche may be coming!

What seem to be big problem areas:

the Portal, toolbar, email service, ISP (and the evil service they chose to team with);
unfair freezings;
lack of customer support (not their fault - just not enough staff);
constant glitches/lost np & items/downtime/lag (again, I think due to not enough staff);
I have to agree with favoritism - I've seen it in action;
lack of communication between TNT and members when something happens (thinking great tp glitch, unequip glitch, big security glitch);
a truly vague and incomplete T&C (not even support can decipher it with complete confidence)

Whatever, it looks like he's done rather well for himself. I hope Donna has been able to do the same! And welcome back! Keep us updated on interesting things like this ;)

Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:07 am

If I'm not mistaken, he still works for them :)

Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:12 am

Wouldn't that kind of information be made public to stockholders?

Anyone know the price of 1 stock in Neopets, Inc. costs. I want to see what kind of trouble I can cause a stock holder's meeting. They might be able to dismiss users, but let's see how many of the 50 year old, men in suits know about the constant down time!

Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:16 am

Probably, Ishmael, but I don't think it's available to the general public. So unless someone knows someone who owns stock in Neopets... :roll:

Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:19 am

I'm gonna do it! If everyone here that is of legal age were to buy a single stock in Neopets, Inc? How hard core would we be!

I can't find the information! I command somebody to find it for me! Do you hear me, I command you! What is the price of a single Neopets stock! Don't make me command again! My Napoleon complex is rearing up on its haunches and you don't want to get in its way! *scratches belly*

Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:22 am

coming2atvnearu wrote:I'm gonna do it! If everyone here that is of legal age were to buy a single stock in Neopets, Inc? How hard core would we be!

I can't find the information! I command somebody to find it for me! Do you hear me, I command you! What is the price of a single Neopets stock! Don't make me command again! My Napoleon complex is rearing up on its haunches and you don't want to get in its way! *scratches belly*

There, there...*pats you on the head*, have a nice cuppa, take a deep breath and stop that scratching!

If it were possible, I'm sure many people would buy stock on Neo. However, it is a privately held company, so no can do. Sorry :battar: And it would take owning ALOT more than one or two shares to even be invited to a shareholder meeting, let alone be recognized and listened to.

Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:45 am

But.. but... I want to be king of the world... and neopets... and I want a watermelon because I'm hungry and I like watermelons... but I don't like the seeds, mommy... don't buy the ones with seeds...

*walks away, dejected and rejected, with a crazy far off look in his eyes, still scratching himself*

Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:03 am

I looked on but I couldn't find anything on neopets or Neopets, Inc although there was something about the mobile company that had the coco roller avatar
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