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Super-extra Freebies

Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:45 pm

Well... Here goes:

The past three days I have recieved 1000 NP and a stamp. I have done nothing to deserve this, the items do not appear in my item event log, and I have no explanation. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced similar things, and if so, what you have got. I have recieved a Sloth Stamp and a Boris Stamp and a Wreath Stamp (I think), as well as 3000 NP. Fill me in!

Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:16 am

I am not allowed to discuss where these items are coming from, but they are nothing to worry about. :battar:

Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:31 am

Ha, funny. You had me going there for a second.

I figured out where they are coming from. Topic can be locked.

Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:33 am

ya right "sue". the imfamous "sue" from the Moniters thread that got locked a while ago.

anyway, ryan. tjose things are from the tarla thing that I've been linking ya to these past few days because you don't have the toolbar.

I have no clue about the 3k, are you on the high scores for anything?
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