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Need help with Gallery Blog

Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:52 pm

Yesterday I decided to place a Blog in my gallery. But after placing all my 'SPIFFY TEXT' in it, it didn't look so great, as you can see.
How do I keep the text from just being one continuous line, to make look a bit more ordered, a bit more like the Blog in this gallery?
If someone could just tell me, I'd be very happy already, but maybe someone could put the Blog together for me? The Blog in question is on page 13. If not, just tell me if you will, and I'll probably manage.

Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:48 pm

Do it like this:

(Intro text)<br>
1. blah<br>
2. blah<br>
3. blah<br>
4. etc

Hope this helps!

Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:57 pm

Hey, it worked! Thanks a bunch, charlix!
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