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Mystery Picture hints/tips/strategies

Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:36 am

I don't want an answer to any of the Mystery Pictures.

But I would like some advice, hints, tips or strategies to solving it. I haven't the faintest clue how to go about figuring it out, unless it's super obvious to me. So, how do you do it?

Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:00 am

I'm not that great at MP, but the few times I have gotten it I just had a feeling of deja vu.
Example: "Hmm that orange reminds me of Kreludor stuff...", then go all through Kreludor + Kreludor items comparing it to everything. :)
As for the ones that are caption contests and cards etc... ugh don't ask me, lol.

There used to be a weekly thread, anyone know what happened to that?

Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:32 am

It takes a bit of practice to train your eye to find MPs. I rcommend saving images that are close onto your computer and comparing them in an art program. Zooming in and looking helps to place the exact color and structure.

Also, some places are more common to find the MP than others. Neopedia, trading cards, world maps, games, and backgrounds are the most common. Don't overlook the header images when you search.

When you do find the image, make sure you get the prize by listing it right. I usually put the text header, general name, and the end of the url. So if the MP was the Mystery Picture Header I would put "Mystery Picture Competition Header games/mysterypic.gif"
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