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How are these stats?

Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:48 am

Everyone seems to be buzzing about a possible war in October, so I'd like to ask if my pet's stats are good enough to participate.

Level : 17
Health : 26 / 26
Strength : GREAT (32)
Defence : GREAT (27)
Move : mach 2
Intelligence : mega genius (51)

Tough Skin (Level 1)
Bubble Shield (Level 2)
Magic Pebbles (Level 2)
Fiery Gaze (Level 1)
Smoke Screen (Level 1)
Fiery Roar (Level 1)
Heal (Level 1)

Flaming Gauntlet
The Astronomy Club
Bone Sceptre
Obsidian Dagger
Golden Geraptiku Talisman
Scarab Ring

So, is this ok? This is my first time in in a war, so I'll be happy with just one point- that's my goal, just to actually participate for now; I'll work on high scores as I gain more experience in the future.

Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:09 pm

Generally every pet can participate and get a few points. I remember my first war I still had my just-created-the-pet stats, plus maybe a few from Coltzan, and I got some :)
If you're wondering about your stats, this is a good article to read about boosts. Right now your strength and defense are at the 20 boost, if you bump up your strength 3 more points you will be at the 35 boost (a good idea IMO). It is up to you if you want spend the money to train your defense 8pts up to the 35 boost also. I like HP, so if I were you I'd train that too. Movement and intelligence in general do not help you at all. Level's only importance is to be half your highest stat, or else you can't train any stat except it.
For abilities, get burrow (use earth faeries). (And sink (dark faeries), if you want to train to level 30)

I'm not a good battler really, but in general I think those are a few good things to keep in mind. I don't know much about weapons, my set is rubbish. Sorry!

Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:53 pm

not incredibly bad or good. just keep training.

Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:51 am

Thanks for the tips. I think I'll settle on getting DEF to 32 and boosting health for now.

Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:27 pm

Defense at 32 will do the same damage as defense at 20 or 27 or even 34, it rounds down to the previous boost before you hit the 35 one.

Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:51 pm

You should raise your hitpoints, try and keep it and 2x your level or other stats. I've been able to win many battles against pets with higher stats just because I could outlast them. As for your abilities, you should raise your level more so you can get better ones.

Fiery gaze = ( level 6 needed , 3rd fire faerie) slight chance of freezing opponent

Diamond dust = ( level 2 needed, 8th air faerie ) slight chance of freezing opponent.

Regeneration = ( level 23 needed, 8th earth faerie ) restores 33% of your lost hitpoints.

Burrow = ( level 10 needed, 4th earth faerie) prevents about 97.5 % of earth, air, water, fire & physical damage done to you

Drain life = ( level 21, 7th dark faerie ) drains 11% of your opponents life and heals you

Sink = ( level 30, 8th dark faerie ) prevents about 97.5 % of light, dark, water, fire & physical damage done to you.

Water of life = ( level 20, 7th water faerie ) restores 24% of lost hitpoints.

Healing vapor ( level 27 8th water faerie ) restores 33% of lost hitpoints

The majority of the other abilities are worthless, the main ones you're going to end up using are burrow, sink, drain life & any other combination of freezing and healing abilities. Don't bother getting 2 abilities that do the same thing, it'll be a waste of a faerie.
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