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TNT credibility survey. Do you think a Neo staff member

Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:37 pm

would knowingly freeze an account that they know did nothing wrong?

Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:41 pm

You think someone would risk their job just to be malevolent toward a player they don't like?

Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:58 pm

I don't think that would happen. If you have been frozen, then TNT thinks you did something wrong.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:06 pm


Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:10 pm

Either that or sometimes they freeze peoples accounts if they have reason to believe it was hacked. So in doing so they try to protect your assets. Though it also tells you why you were frozen, so that'd tell you why it happened.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:11 pm

I could be wrong, but it seems totally illogical for a staff member to form a dislike towards an innocent individual enough to freeze them.

Since staff have virtually no contact with players, there is no reason for one to form a resentment. I think the only way a staff member would notice an individual account is if that person did wrong in noticable ways.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:29 pm

wasn't there something in the PPT podcast 2 about some staff member freezing someone who wasn't liked?
i personally don't think they'd do such a thing, but they might, for all we know

Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:33 pm

This is not a question without an answer. The answer will be posted after more people have a chance to respond first.

This has nothing to do with my Neopets account to answer a previous question.

The answer is yes, it did happen but I won't say the staff members names. After the person was frozen they mailed TNT and the staff member who looked into it saw that nothing wrong was done on the account so he/she unfroze it. It wasn't long before the other staff member, the one who origionally froze it, refroze it.

And the saga continues. LOL

Runedit: Combined posts. If you have additional comments, add them to the previous post rather than posting a new reply

Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:07 pm

I think no, they wouldn't intentionally freeze someone for no reason. But I do believe they are a bit "freeze happy" and freeze people with little provocation without fully making sure that they have actually done the thing they suspect them of doing, or freeze them for very minor offences/mistakes. But then, I could just be paranoid. I admit I am paranoid about being frozen. ;)

Crystal wrote:This is not a question without an answer. The answer will be posted after more people have a chance to respond first.

Okay. But who are you that just joined and is suddenly going to tell us the answers to everything?

Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:16 pm

I was a member here for a long time and my old account is still here. I just made a new account. My old account said I joined in 2004 but I think they changed the site and we had to rejoin in 2004. i was here a long time before that.
Yes, I have more answers than you can imagine!!!

What's even funnier about the above situation is that this person made a new account and a lot of this person's friends gave her/him neopoints. Here is the funny part. Right before this person's shop was large enough to be in the main market....BAM....they were iced again. LOL I have to laugh.

I asked the person, "Do you get the feeling they don't want you on neo?". LOL They now play another game.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:05 pm

Oh, I'm sorry.
But I still find it a bit odd that you're making so many threads about freezing and cheating.
But I don't really know anything anyway. XD

Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:38 am

I'm curious, did the unfairly frozen person have contact in real life or on another site with the staff member who froze them? I can't see the point in someone freezing a stranger, or even a person that they dislike on Neopets. I mean, it's just Neopets - what's the point of picking on someone on Neopets? -_-

Then again, I don't doubt this story. Some people I know are immature enough to do something like that.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:39 am

I guess I best not make any waves but I will assure you I have posted nothing but FACTS! I get logged out here every few clicks so I guess that should tell me something. My last topic was frozen by a mod here who in their 1st post suggested I not mention any names and in the 2nd implied I was just stating a theory because I didn't use any names. I think they've been around neo too long and try to be on both sides of the fence at the same time.

For the benefit of the mod here who questioned my credibility. Since this was long ago it shouldn't cause a problem. 1 of the people in the V-team account, yes there was more than 1 there, is the person who posted false stats on elemental hammer at IDB and then tried to make a trade with someone. V-Team was a staff member at IDB. It so happened the person v-team tried to trade with was 1 of the people who tested the weapon. After he was caught, he went back to IDB and put the correct stats up for the weapon, elemental hammer. TNT said they weren't responsible for what happens off of Neo so nothing happened to V-team that time.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:00 am

First of all, I am one of the administrators of this forum thank you. Second of all, I'll go ahead and lock this thread since seems to be leading to some rather inflamatory comments on your part towards TNT and even still former users.
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