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Gallery useability feedback

Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:37 pm

Which form do you prefer to use to remove items from your gallery:

A -


B - ... e&view=all

And why?

Which form do you prefer to use to categorise items in your gallery:

C -


D - ... e&view=all

And why?

Re: Gallery useability feedback

Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:20 pm

betatester wrote:Which form do you prefer to use to remove items from your gallery:

A -


B - ... e&view=all

And why?

Which form do you prefer to use to categorise items in your gallery:

C -


D - ... e&view=all

And why?

For your first question, I use "A" its more organised and you dont have to keep checking to see if you forgot something.

As for your second question, I use "D" mostly becasue I just have two cataorgies "A Pirates Life For Me" and "Wands/Staffs" its easier for me to put the items in the right place. As for option "C" I hoenstly never knew it existed until you posted it.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:49 pm

I don't know, but "categorize" is spelled correctly with a "z", not an "s"... that should be fixed.

Rank All Items | Rank Items In Categories |
Item Remove Form | Quick Remove Form |
Categorise Items | View Uncategorised Items | Quick Categorise

Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:06 pm

Asparagus Queen wrote:I don't know, but "categorize" is spelled correctly with a "z", not an "s"... that should be fixed.

Rank All Items | Rank Items In Categories |
Item Remove Form | Quick Remove Form |
Categorise Items | View Uncategorised Items | Quick Categorise

LOL, English spelling is a S. Donna and Adam are English. I really enjoy having a site that uses English spelling. I am Australian and we use English spelling and you wouldn't believe how hard it is to actually find sites that use English spelling consistantly throughout the site. :)

I find the whole Gallery Menu awkward to use, I get lost trying to navigate and forget where things are. I didn't even realise that the A option was available.

It took me 5 minutes trying to work out where I had to go to upgrade the Gallery.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:49 pm

Well, they need to change all of them to an "s" then. In some spots it's with a "z". It's very inconsistant.

»Categorize Items«

Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:52 pm

Asparagus Queen wrote:Well, they need to change all of them to an "s" then. In some spots it's with a "z". It's very inconsistant.

»Categorize Items«


Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:16 am

I prefer B. It is faster and easier for me to see what items I am removing than to read through them all in the A form.. I rarely need to remove items anyways.

I prefer D. It is faster and easier for me to see what items I am categorizing than to read through them all in the C form.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:25 am

I prefer:

B- I cant keep track of the exact names of all my items, so I rather see them when removing them.

D- Sometimes an item matches matches with two categories, so I rather see it and decide where to put it.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:05 pm

Betatester, can you prove you're from TNT? When other members of TNT join PPT they've sometimes offered up proof so we don't make ourselves look silly. Before I answer the gallery questions you're asking I'd like to know if you're really from TNT or not.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:41 pm

Asparagus Queen wrote:Betatester, can you prove you're from TNT?

Actually, betatester never said he was from TNT, just asked for feedback (:
Curious, but what will you do with our feedback anyway, betatester?

Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:53 pm

In this thread: ... 1&start=30 it was kind of implied when they said they were fixing things. ;)

Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:05 pm

Vicky wrote:I prefer:

B- I cant keep track of the exact names of all my items, so I rather see them when removing them.

D- Sometimes an item matches matches with two categories, so I rather see it and decide where to put it.

I added 'Toggle View Images' to the quick remove and quick categorise forms.

Thanks for everyone's feedback!

Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:34 pm

humm i'm thinkig that with the new toggle images i like the huge list view rather then seeing everything in its order.... HOWEVEr I wouldnt suggest getting rid of the drop down menus because people (like me) who only add one or two items at a time will probably still find it easier to use those drop down menus.

Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:21 pm

Being a visual person I prefer to see everything at once, whether removing or categorizing.

(Although for categorizing, I prefer to go to 'view uncategorized items')
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