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sidebar themes

Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:34 am

How do i get different sidebar themes? i only have the altador cup one

Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:24 am

Qasalan Sidebar
Date of release: January 2006
To activate this sidebar, you must have completed at least step 1 of 2005's Lost Desert Plot. This sidebar appears as a random event at the Gift Shop of 1,000 Rewards.

Maraquan Sidebar
Date of release: June 2005
To activate this sidebar, you would have had to be a participant in the Maraquan war. If you did participate, go to the prize selection site area. Then, you must buy it for one point. The points on your lookup won't go down, however.

Valentines Sidebar
Date of release: February 2005
This sidebar is obtainable by sending the 'A Mysterious Valentines Card' item to anyone on Valentine's day. Both the sender and the receiver shall receive the sidebar. As a catch, the item disappears after it is being sent, and the person who receives it will not know who sent it to him/her.

Winter Sidebar
Date of release: February 2005
This sidebar can be obtained via a Random Event in Terror Mountain.

Birthday Sidebar
Date of release: November 2004 on Neopets' birthday!
Automatically obtainable on Neopets' actual birthday. Using this sidebar will increase the chances of random events occurring (both good and bad) and will remove the ads that appear on Neopets.

Halloween Sidebar
Date of release: Halloween 2004
This sidebar was able to be activated via a random event on Halloween 2004. Additionally, winning the first Random Contest on Neopets would have given you access to this sidebar. In 2005, it was obtainable by going to the Haunted Woods on October 31st at 11:59pm - 12:01am and refreshing until it was obtained. There is no current known method of unlocking this sidebar apart from the above methods which can no longer be used.

Default Sidebar
Date of release: Since the beginning
This sidebar is the default yellow sidebar that we have all come to love. Sign up with Neopets and it's yours to begin with.

Premium Sidebar
Date of release: Unknown
Refer 5 active or paying members to the premium service at Neopets. Note that you must also be a premium member.


To clarify, I recieved the Winter Sidebar from the Advent Calendar on the 31st of December 2005, as did aproximately 1/3 of the people who collected. If you are interested in seeing the sidebar images, has a great page for that.
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