For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Do you like having music in shops and user lookups?

Yes, I use them in fact!
Yes, I don't use them, but I think they're nice.
Ugh, no way.
No, but I don't really care either way.
Total votes : 50

Music in lookups and shops

Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:16 am

I personally think that it's in bad taste, but I was wondering if I was in the minority here, because it seems that lately 1 in 3 shops or lookups feel the need to impose loud rhythmic beeps on me.

Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:20 am

I really hope you're not in the minority. It seems the only recourse to take is to turn off the speakers.

Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:21 am

sape789 wrote:I really hope you're not in the minority. It seems the only recourse to take is to turn off the speakers.

Which is so annoying if your computer acts as your stereo. :(

Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:34 am

I. Hate. Music. On. Websites. Period. :x
Nothing annoys me more. 99% of the time I'm on the computer I'm listening to music. Clashing sounds are not fun. >.<

Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:07 pm

Music on websites is of very bad taste, it always interferes with what I listen to, much to my displeasure.

Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:07 pm

Meer wrote:I. Hate. Music. On. Websites.

My feelings exactly. If I want to play music, I'd just open my own media player lol... plus I have a select taste of music :roflol:

Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:17 pm

I hate going on websites and getting blasted by songs that I don't like. In fact, I hate getting blasted by songs I do like. I just don't like songs on websites, period.

Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:53 pm

Midis sound irritating, and actual songs, whether full length or clips, take forever on dial-up. I never wait for them to load.

There have been so many times where I go into a shop and get blasted by an unexpected midi rendition of Stairway to Heaven or something Green Day. Its seriously heart attack inducing at 4am in an otherwise dead quiet living room.

Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:29 pm

It always irritates me, as I am usually playing my own music while I'm surfing. Stupid little midi type songs are the worst. I have dial up and it slows down loading big time when the page has to load a song, tons of little flashing graphics and a huge background. I prefer shops that don't have much customization.

Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:04 pm

it doesn't matter to me since i don't stay in most shops long enough for it to load anyway

Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:21 pm

I hate music in shops, especially the fact that midi's seem to override any other media you have running on your computer, playing over them.

However in revenge I used to perpetuate the cycle by putting them in my own shop :P

Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:23 pm

I hate music in shops... but I have music on my lookup :lol:

Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:56 pm

I used to have midis on all the pages on my website, and someone called me on it and told me how annoying it was and I realized wow, that really is annoying! Now I can stand it. Whenever I find a lookup or shop with music on, I hit my back button as quick as I can...before the thing even loads, if possible. If they want to be annoying, I'll take my business elsewhere, thanks. :x

Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:27 pm

Music on shops and lookups annoys me and it also scares me a little sometimes. A lot of time music comes on when I don't expect it and it usually makes me jump a little, especially since my speakers are pretty loud. What I hate even more is that you can't make it stop unless you go off the page or turn your speakers off.

Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:00 am

Music on the web is just annoying in general.

And those stupid little midi things??!! *Throws rocks at them*

Grr. -Hatred-
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