For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:49 pm
Hey guys I was wondering if everyone can list all of the places where people die for the Brain tree quest. I figured many ppl in neopets will tell me to feed Esophagor twice to get the answers. I've been very picky with the brain tree quest figuring it can get expensive But i noticed that to get the date, the quest items are very cheap but when you try to get the places it can get very expensive. So by listing all the places where people die its all a matter of deduction since brain tree gives us plenty of time to try different answers since we already have the date of the person's death.
Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:51 pm
This won't work though. Even if you put something in, no matter what it is it won't be correct. When you do each esophagor's quest, it assigns you a date and a place respectively. Until that is assigned by completing the quest, there is no possibility of the brain tree accepting an answer... because there is no right one yet.
Wed Jul 14, 2004 3:59 pm
so does it mean that by fulfilling two esophagor quests acts as a trigger or an access to brain tree quests. Cuz I mean there can only be a few places where people die
Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:00 pm
Yeah, the Esophagor is a trigger. Without him there is no way you can win.
<----- WOOT, I'm not so new:D
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