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August 18th News (nothing exciting.. again)

Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:32 pm

(I'll edit in pictures soon.)

18th August - Meerca Day

* To start off Meerca Day, the Meerca plushies have been redrawn.

* A page of Meerca-themed Poems has been added for your reading pleasure.

* Yummy... A nice treat for any Neopet on Meerca day is available at the Food Shop.

* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Quiggle - Hiking Petpets Shopkeeper. 290 people guessed correctly, earning them 6897 NP each.

* Everyone who is a Meerca fan will adore these new Fun Images.

* mikayla1994380 has won the Neohome Spotlight with Neopia School for Pets.

* Rumour has it that there have been electric and robot Meercas spotted around the Rainbow Pool...

* Evanis the Carmariller is a very special Petpet and has earned the Petpet Spotlight award!

* Battledome opponents won't stand a chance against Meercas with these new weapons found at the Battle Magic Shop.

* Make sure you take your Meerca to visit Cap'n Threelegs at his Swashbuckling Academy on Meerca Day. The kind old Eyrie will be offering FREE training to any Meerca who stops by.

* There seems to be a bit of a competition in the new Caption Contest.

* Yay! Some new Meerca-themed art has been added to the Art Gallery!

Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:52 pm

So what exactly is "exciting"? No avatar, no plot prizes = sucks? Everyone always says the news is boring, I like theme days! Yay Meerca day! I went and tried to enroll my side account Meerca at the academy but forgot that the news is always early... 'tis tomorrow. :oops:

Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:04 pm

The new fun images are kinda cool... other than that yeah, that's pretty boring.

I think we're all disenheartened becasue we're been lead on, no plot prizes, an avatar that's impossible to get, and the month and a half of having things released and not actually activated made us all a bit bitter.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:14 pm

I'll admit, the Robot Meerca looks pretty neat :)

But I would really like plot prizes.. or something!
Oh well. You win some, you lose some.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:15 pm

Just for once, put "ZOMG prizes in the News!!!" in the title, and watch the confusion ensuing. Seems that TNT is lazy and wants to enjoy their holidays. At least they gave us a bit of fun when they started the Cyodrake's thingy, but no stuff to do = boring.

Well, at least the plushies aren't oogly anymore.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:30 pm


Wow, a cold <i>and</i> heartburn. Poor guy. :P And I agree that the plushies look much better now.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:55 pm

It's hard to get excited about standard stuff when what we're really craving is our rewards. Everything else just seems painfully dull in comparison to prizes.

Those new Meerca weapons are pretty snazzy, though. And I'd love a meerca cinnamon roll, or whatever those Cinnabon-looking thingamabobs are. :P

Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:37 am

The news is exciting for me cuz I love Meercas! New Meerca colors will satisfy me for today. For the other days that prizes aren't released, though...

Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:43 am

What I dont get, is, if the news for the 18th is already out, how will we know who wins the beauty contest? I ask, because I submitted a picture of

Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:51 am

I want a Maraquan Meerca Mine, even though I'll never use it.

Also, looking at the front page, is it just me, or are the Meerca bros. the only well known Meercas in the whole of Neopia?

Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:16 am

I actually liked the old style meerca plushies better :o

I must be a Neopets purist! :roflol: Really, I think I am.

Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:06 am

Green and yellow is not my fav. combo but I still think the robot meerca looks kinda cool.:)
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